Go See The Matrix Reloaded!!!! Now!!! Run!!!!! Don't Finish Reading This!!!! Go!!!!!!



This is the most amazing movie I've ever seen. You have to go see it, but not with out having seen the first Matrix and if possible the short film "Final Flight of the Osiris" (part of the Animatrix).

Anyone else see it?
The movie was already sold out for the pre-show last night and the Thursday showing today. I've got tickets for Friday right after work for myself and two buds. We're leaving work early to go see it.

Can't wait!

I need to re-watch the Animatrix stuff again tonight.
that movie sucked!
hahaha jks jks... i'm seeing it this weekend, or next weekend..... it looks REALLY good..... i'll take your word for it WDW..... wooooh!
How do you see the animatrix?
OMG!!!! I just found out that it's going to be relased in IMAX theaters in June. I am soooooooooo going to see that.:D


1500 posts!!!
Get the Animatrix DVD, trust me, it's worth it every cent! So really? Final flight of Osiris eh? So that's how it's going to go? So they build on that? How exactly if I may know? (Building up tension, teasing everybody ;))
(I've tickets for 20:00 tonight (Friday 16)).
Dangit! I can't see it until next week because I'm not old enough to buy tickets and me mum is out of town. ::evil:: Oh well though, i'll see it eventually. I havn't heard anything about it at all yet. No reviews from friends or anything so I'm wondering...
Hm.. Matrix II has to wait. Today they are showing Talk To Her, one film of Almodovar that I've seen only in dubbed version so great, original.. Matrix has to wait. It will be there. (and i don't have _that_ almodovar in dvd) ..
Ack, the movie was cool, but the "sex orgie" wasn't cool. It was disgusting. OK, it wasn't really an orgie, but that was the impression I got... not some sort of dance to celebrate the prophecy or whatnot. :rolleyes:
Yeah, somebody was gonna say: "To deny our instincts is to deny the very thing that makes us human." I say self-control is under-rated.
Movie was great if you ask me :-) The trailer after the end was awesome. Just one thing, the movie ending is bad, just plain awful, they couldn't've made it more unrealistic :(
Good point, hadn't looked at it like that. But now the question remains, will it be like that? ;) And was it the point of the story or did the writer just write a dead-end and he had to figure an ending. It would make a point, but for that I'd have to see the movie again for that last speech of the guy (you know if you saw the movie). I probably will :)

...but about those things you mentioned in your "private" discussion:

I have some Questions/Answers here :p :D ;) :)

Still, I would like you both to fill me in with some more details about those things in another "private" posting, thank you very much :D