If Herve has a deeply philosophical thought about cheese-sticks and their relation to ancient greek literature that he wants to share with the group, where does he go?
The cheese discussion area?
Realising that there is no appropriate area, his logic goes like this:
"Cheese is usually yellow. Imacs used to be available in yellow, right? Maybe I should post to the iMac forum, but first I'll check my facts..."
A few minutes surfing and he has discovered that iMacs were released in several colours, but the closest match is a mandarin orange. This causes him to want to eat a mandarin while he thinks harder.
Then, it hits him!
"Cheese is PORTABLE! I will post to the portables and laptops area!"
Then, of course, the appropriate subject heading is hard to find.
"Cheese-sticks and Greek Literature" he dismisses immediately as far too obvious.
"I'm dribbling mandarin juice." also occurs to him, which then evolves into:
"Dribbly iMacs sandwich-filling?"
The question mark is to make sure we have to answer. It also implies he needs help, which is usually true - but beyond our capacity.
Then, the post usually reads something like:
I made the Parthenon out of cheese sticks today using two airport cards, iTunes, Omniweb, and three packets of birthday candles. Does anybody know of a good firewall program to protect against barbarians?
Then, of course, he uses ViaVoice to type it, while still eaing a mandarin.
Thankyou Herve! We salute you!