The only way to avoid war is if the French show Iraq how to surrender. After all, they are really good at it.
AppMan, according to your avatar caption, you are an infinite idiot. I do not think you are. I think you are just
limited. Limited in terms of knowledge. In terms of historical knowledge. I would like to make you count how many times your own country did surrender in only 5 centuries of history. My favorite one is Vietnam and body bags. Oh no, I like the Gulf War syndrome too.
I think you are acting very American: counting the victories and defeats of such or such Nation, that
is telling of your general behaviour. "Ah ha ! My nation is richer than yours ! And you lost more battles ! Yeah !" That kind of stuff, after all, is very American. Your President is acting a bit the same: showing off his strength, his scorn for international relatiosn and insitutions. His victory over Iraq, that wil be glorious, am I right ?
Bravo in advance.
But Bush forgot one thing: there is no merit in bombing a country. There is no pride, no proudness to feel when you drop shells. Bombs, just as napalm if you see what I mean, are an easy way to get rid of the so-called 'scums of this Earth'.
But talking, that's harder. Yes ! It is. Because you must be
smart. You must be smart and convincing. You must be legitimate, supported by your people, first, and by others in the world, second. You must be diplomatic, attentive. And on top of that, you must
compromise, find a consensus, be tolerant towards others. You must be witty and clairvoyant, to understand why such or such people are oppressed, to understand why such or such country has universal free suffrage and why some others are still venerating theocrats.
George W. Bush is none of those last proposals. And that is why he has chosen the only choice offered to his
limited mind: go to war. Send bombs. Send fighters (oh, not too many, watch out for the body bags !). This, he knows how to do. Just as his dad did. Just as Saddam did. Finally, he's not so much different from Saddam; he's similarly stubborn, just in some other way. Saddam refuses to go, George refuses not to bomb. And why ? Because they don't know how to act differently from this. Because they are
limited people.
If some way, you are
limited too, AppMan. As you have nothing more intelligent to oppopse me, you just write your short flame: "French, you're historical losers, whereas we're the winners. Shut the f*ck up."
But you see, I'm not impressed. Or maybe I am. I am, actually, surprised to see how anti-French feelings can be deeply rooted in someone with such
limited cerebral cavities.
I may be flaming you here. So I will rectify my own writings: AppMan, I still don't believe you are this 'infinite idiot' you revendicate to be. I'm just waiting for some other cavities of your brain to get activated. I am waiting for your arguments.
Make my day
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