Good Morning Everyone


Before going to bed last night, took Sierra's 10.12.3. update, and as far as I know (On my Chromebook at this moment) All is AOK. Only took just minutes instead of hours after upgrading from AT&T's 3MBs of DSL to their 12MBs Uverse last Monday. Tech coming out tomorrow to up it to 18MBs, same price for us AT&T retirees (Active employees too).

This Sierra Upgrade is the last OS upgrade I will however take. I lived with WindowsXP till they stopped supporting it. Lived with Linux Mint17 (Lite version) till I retired that desktop, for My new MacMini, old desktop now being stored as a spare>>LOL. And of course this Chromebook OS is what it is :-). I had issues going from El Capitan to Sierra, but that was a WHOLE, 'Nother thread :-).

Anyway, y'all have a great day. Going offline soon to begin mine>>>>Bye
It is to make sure your Mac is running smoothly without those older files causing a slow down. Imagine a car with a dirty carburetor or fuel injector. It is running okay until it gets gunked out. Then you have a smoother, ‘holy cow’ why didn’t I do that earlier running car that goes zoom zoom.