Goodbye "Think Different"!


Unofficial Mac Genius

Apple launches new marketing campaign
February 14 - 16:30 ET: "Everything is easier on a Mac" is the centerpiece of a new marketing campaign that Apple has launched. Dealers who already received the materials note that among them is an eight-page brochure that covers the points listed on the campaign's Web page, including two pages devoted to "Fact and Fiction," similar to the Mac Myths that are being distributed with some iMac advertisements. Also of note, none of the materials carry Apple's "Think different." slogan, possibly signaling an end to that campaign.

I'm gonna miss the "Think Different" slogan. I still almost cry when I see the original one minute video about "the crazy ones".

Get a grip on your self boy!! All this means is that now everyone will know that thinking different is easier on a mac.

or something like that;) :p
I was never quite sure about 'Think Different'. People don't want to have to think different, they want everything to be as effortless as possible. Think Different always suggested unnecessary effort to me, which isn't what Macs are all about.
    Yeah, and "Think Different" also says "be marginalised"

    I think this new slogan is just what we need - not "do things differently to everybody else", but "Do things faster, better, stronger, moist shiney black nose and healthy wagging tail" etc...

Bernie :o)
And here are some that they rejected before they came up with 'It's Easier On A Mac'

Think Simple

Actually, Don't Bother Thinking At All. Let Uncle Steve Make All Your Decisions For You. It's So Much Easier That Way.

You Just Click Here, That's Right.

You Haven't Switched It On, You Muppet

The Three Pins Go In The Three Holes

Open This End

You Can't Just Talk At It You Know

Look At This Bit, There's Colours And Stuff

Yes, Flashing Lights. Aren't They Pretty?

Mine Goes Bing!

You Have The Mouse Upside Down

That's Not A Drinks Holder

Stop Dribbling On Your Keyboard

You Can Sit In The Box And Pretend It's A Spaceship

Don't Touch That Bit, It's Sharp
I liked think different ;)
heck anything that puts me in teh same category with Gandi and great historical figures is good :D hehehe ;-)

Think simplicity is also nice though :)
I'm pretty lousy at marketing so I wouldn't put much stock in my opinion. However, I always thought that "think different" was inspiring. Even though I didn't own a mac at the time it was big.

The new slogan is nice too. I can see how it might win over new customers.

Apple is great at advertising/marketing. I'm sure they'll have something (a song, a story, ???) that will make the new slogan cool too.
Everything is easier on a Mac is f*cking brilliant and needed at this time.... it allows talk of functionality and superiority in a non geek manner and speaks to the non-pc user who is confronted with with the need to buy either thier first machine or an upgrade from their aged Pentium II or III.

I love it... it will sell lots of computers, especially if those 8 page brochures are getting handed out really freely at CompUSA and the Apple Stores...

OT: I really think it would be wise for Apple to hire their own employees to man a Mac area in BestBuy... The employess there just don't do it justice.
I think there is a slight misunderstanding amongst many who read "think different". The implication isn't change the way you think, which whould be "think differently". It is when you think of a mac, think of something that is different from the normal computer - hard to use, unaccomodating, and uninspiring.

I'm glad I got that out there, now that the campaign has ended.

Originally posted by rinse
...a Mac is f*cking brilliant ....

Now why didn't they think of that - can you imagine it, written in Garamond against a white background?
just today i overheard a colleuage"how do you spell that?;) "
talking with one of our clients who had a PC problem at their office.
about 3 phonecalls later i seized the opportunity and icq:d then sat back wth a big grin on my face:p
Originally posted by jt3g
I think there is a slight misunderstanding amongst many who read "think different". The implication isn't change the way you think, which whould be "think differently". It is when you think of a mac, think of something that is different from the normal computer - hard to use, unaccomodating, and uninspiring.

I always thought the same thing. If Apple is so big in the education market, they should have used, "Think Differently". It doesn't have any less impact, and it's correct. However, I prefer, "Everything is easier on a Mac" anyway. It's a great slogan that delivers a clear message. "Think Different" could be about anything.
Originally posted by Jadey
I always thought the same thing. If Apple is so big in the education market, they should have used, "Think Differently". It doesn't have any less impact, and it's correct. However, I prefer, "Everything is easier on a Mac" anyway. It's a great slogan that delivers a clear message. "Think Different" could be about anything.

"Think Different," in my opinion, was brilliant. I remember the old debate over whether it was gramatically correct or not -- people were reading the whole slogan wrong. If they took it to mean, "Change the way you think," then yes, it was gramatically incorrect. But that's not what "Think Different," was meant to convey... it's meant to be read in a similar fashion as if a designer were trying to get you to visualize something, say, like, painting your room pink... he would spread his arms and make wide arcs with his arms at the walls, while saying, "Think Pink." Not "Think Pinkly."

I guess if Apple had stuck a colon in there the confusion would have been less... "Think: Different."
I think it will make Apple seem arrogant. The are no universal truths like "Everything is easier on a Mac." Some users just might think that Apple is blowing off steam for not being the most dominant computing company.

Now if these people actually read the pamphlet and think about it, they may be less inlclined to dismiss it....
First of all, I would like to say, I will miss "Think different." I always prided myself as being a "weirdo" in school and the Mac and it's slogan fit my persona. I loved it.

About halfway through watching "Here's to the crazy ones..." for the first time, I said to myself "Oh my God. It's an Apple ad." And thirty seconds later, their logo was on the screen. I was right.

Think different was not for the general public. It was a rallying cry to current Mac users that there was hope on the horizon, in the form of G3, iMac, and OS X. It was meant for us, so we wouldn't leave.

However, I'm going to welcome this change in slogan. Now that we've reinforced ourselves, Apple can use this to expand more to the general public. It's just saying what we've known all along.
I could have thought of a better slogan. How bout:
"It just plain kicks your ass."
"Think not-so-the-same":D

What do I know. I wasn't paid to sit there and think up these things.:)