Grammar matters!

I spam
You spam
He/she spams

We spam
You all spam
They spam

At least it's easy to decline!

-the valrus
I spam
Thou spammest
He/she spammeth

We spam
You spam
They spam

Easy, except you have to remember to double the 'm' in the 2nd and 3rd person singular.;)
Verbing weirds language.

-- Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes)

Heh, that quote right there just speaks for itself in terms of the evolution of language. (I can really pull out a Calvin and Hobbes quote for any situation. :D )

Anyway, back to the topic at hand, I think grammar and spelling is very important. I understand that the only point of posting on these boards is to communicate oneself, and that grammar trolling doesn't help. However, I use correct grammar because I like to know that I won't revert to online grammar/spelling rules when I write a paper or an official e-mail. I still write some colloquial stuff in papers, and it just doesn't go well in an essay.

However, I think the most important grammar rules to follow are those on punctuation, even online. If someone posts something that is just a big long paragraph, it is SOOOOO hard to read. It really bugs the heck out of me. It bugs the heck out of me, too, when I see excessive punctuation and symbol usage; it's just soooo hard to read (sorry, Neyo, but your posts really ARE hard to read).

So what I tend to do when I post online is faithfully keep to grammar rules and make sure my spelling is correct, and I also tend to write in much shorter paragraphs than I would on a regular essay, so it makes it much easier to read. And I do proofread my posts – I usually read them once over before I post and once over after I post.

I also like to call people on spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes, but only when it seems like they're trying to have correct spelling and grammar. When there's someone who makes a ton of spelling and/or grammar mistakes, it usually seems like they don't care (I'm not saying this is bad, I'm just stating a fact), so I won't post about it. But when it looks like the person tried to adhere to rules and spelling, I usually correct them (like the most recent example when I corrected ElDiablo's spelling of "hypocrite"). I just think it's nice, so that people won't make the same mistake in the future, especially on essays and stuff where it's really important. But, no, I won't be a grammar troll.

OFF-TOPIC: About the Calvin and Hobbes thing: I always like to pull out a quote whenever I can. Calvin and Hobbes is the coolest and funniest cartoon every bar none, and it constantly surprises me how much commentary about so many diverse topics Bill Watterson managed to write. And then there's the times when it's just hilarious for laughter's sake. It's the best comic ever.

I also love to use Calvin and Hobbes to make my own commentaries. Like in sophomore year of high school, we had to do a project about our "spirit guide", about someone to whom we look up. I chose Calvin, because he does have a lot of philosophical thoughts, but I picked him more because I just wanted to make fun of the assignment. I hate inane assignments that try to help you "explore" yourself, so I did the assignment seriously with Calvin, even though in reality I was mocking the assignment. ;)

It was funny, too, because junior year we did something similar, where we wrote a series of essays/papers/journals/poetry revealing something about ourself, and then we had to compile ten of them with some overriding theme. So I picked Calvin and Hobbes again, and I picked a specific cartoon to match each piece of writing. It was funny in more ways than one, because again I was slightly mocking the assignment, but it was compounded by the fact that I still had people in my class who knew that I had chosen Calvin for my spirit guide the year before, so it was just like a running joke. :D

I guess in a way I AM becoming like Calvin in reality. :p
Hey Guys, Looks Like this Post was simply too Good, an Opportunity to miss!

Yes, Chemistry_Gimp, i Certainly do remember you giving me a hard time, but i like to think i can "hold my own" and So it was a Challenge to say the least! ;)

Valrus: Dude, I think we need to talk More often! ;) hehe!

Anyhow, Moving back to the Topic in hand, My opinion on this Matter is Something of:

"How many user's are there on the Website"? ... A Fair amount i'd to add. Now, i feel that its best for Everyone to have a "personality" of their own. and If that entails Grammar, spelling Differences, then thats Cool. i DON'T Approve of all this ..

" 1337 n00b "

..Crap, but I feel, that People Should be able to Express their Personalities, as freely as they wish, Without having to "watch out" regarding the Fellow user's negative opinions of themselves! Take me as an Obvious example, you all know that i've not had a Mac for Quite some time, and that i only had one for a short while only. So From the Outset, i am Somewhat "Different" to the regular viewer's here! But as you all seemed to have Picked up, my Personality Shines Through my posts! Not Just Because "i am who i am" but the way i write, the way its Presented!

After all, People on this Board, Often Relate to a Form of "1337" talk as "neyo-ish" lol ... (Yes Googleplex, i DID see it! :p ;))

summarising, i'd like to say, people, on the web should freely express themselves However they like, and not be Judged! As Long as the person BEHIND their Specific Lingo Can ACTUALLY Write "properly" When required upon, and isn't a TOTAL Idiot, it's all Good! :D

Have Fun! ...

NeYo :D
My life has been painted with relentless correction of my grammar and spelling, especially during high school. I agree with MDLarson, if we are going to speak he should do so correctly. Perhaps that is a bit of the French influence but hey... :cool:

I, however, also agree that there is room for slang and development of the language. Has any of you ever seen Olde English, or Occitan? Well the language has changed since the 1200s...

I also hasten to add that despite my assertions, this IS a friendly bulletin board, not a critical essay :)
This has been a very interesting thread. I fully agree that a level of respect for grammar is important, though we should of course be tolerant of those for whom English is not their first language.

However, there is sometimes a fine line between respect for the rules of grammar for the sake of clarity, and simple pedantry. For example, in British English (I don't know if the same applies in America or other English-speaking countries) it is bad grammar to split an infinitive, ie to insert another word in the middle of an infinitive verb form. Probably the most famous occurrence of this is in the opening to each episode of the original Star Trek, where it is explained that their mission is "to boldly go..." Any British teacher of English would tell you that this is very bad grammar, but does it really obscure the meaning that was intended? I don't think so.

Let's defend basic grammar for the sake of clarity but not be pedantic, and keep up the tolerant traditions of this forum.