GTA San Andreas prob.....

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[noun] frequently do [verb] [noun]. Doesn't make it legal. While the EULA may be ridiculous, it's still a semi-binding contract. I didn't make it all up, I just understand it. It's easy to see how, "Hey, I'm just sharing a little!" doesn't seem illegal -- but because it's done all the time and it's easy to do and it doesn't seem illegal doesn't make it legal by any stretch of the imagination.

There are many laws that are ridiculous and/or unjust. The fact that they are ridiculous and/or unjust doesn't render them unenforceable or make breaking those laws any less illegal.

We can argue all day whether sharing is legal or illegal, but the simple fact of the matter is that it's illegal because it is. Doesn't matter what we do or say -- nothing short of changing the law will make it legal.

On topic, I think you hit the nail on the head concerning the fix, though -- the setting for Spacebar and the 'S' key are in the options for the game itself. If changing those options doesn't fix the problem, then we'll have to dig deeper.
Then as EDCC mentioned, the board rules on that particular topic need to be clarified further to reduce any confusion on what is and isn't allowed.
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Well, I'm happy at least one person backs me up (thx g/re/p!). I see I stumbled on a very debated and interesting topic here. Well, I hope one day this will be cleared up. Also, from I found a definition of warez, "A term used by software pirates use to describe a cracked game or application that is made available to the Internet, usually via FTP or telnet, often the pirate will make use of a site with lax security." K, definition of pirate/pirated (from same site) "copy illegally; of published material." So, I guess I never pirated any warez at all.
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Yo man, I PMed you so people wouldn't think I had bad intentions or anything, now you use that against me?!!?? PMing is a private thing.
Yo man, I PMed you so people wouldn't think I had bad intentions or anything, now you use that against me?!!?? PMing is a private thing.

First of all, I just mentioned that you PMed me. Many people PM me, as I do others, and there's nothing wrong with saying that someone PMed you. Second, I only posted what I responded to you and didn't reveal anything of what you said in there which was in reference to something else. I've moved on from this and there's been some constructive commentary about the whole thing, I ask that you as well move on with the issue. You've already gotten the answers you were looking for, so please drop it.
Don't go to a forum like this asking about an illegal game. Go to some other forum, and REWORD your original post if you want any answers.
I didn't read more than the first page. It's obviously not a 100% legal copy because it hasn't been released for Mac OS X. It's an unofficial Cider port, which means it's basically running in WINE.

I would find your saved game, back it up, erase everything else, and reinstall if it actually happened after you changed some files.
First of all, GTA San Andreas did come out for MAC OS X. I'll try what you said ablack. One thing, I wonder why everyone is suspicious. I mean, my first reply was someone accusing me of breaking the law. And that was assumption.
You could just clear the air right now and post how, exactly, you did come into possession of GTA, then either the suspicions will be confirmed or denied.

Did you buy the game (or was it a gift, insinuating a complete and total transfer of ownership to you), or did you obtain it in some other (and, therefore, illegal) fashion?

Let's clear this up and get on with life.
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