Halo Demo not accepted by firewall?


Im trying to set it so i can host servers but i have to configure it with my firewall but when i click the + button and navigate to the halo demo it is grayed out
its the system firewall but when its on people cant connect to your game (server)


grayed out: Just look at Halo Demo not all the other crap (Halo.nib, HIB Bundle.)

These are instruction have been told then i relized it was grayed out

>Shadow< wrote:
Here is an easy to use, step by step set of instructions:

First off, go to your System Preferences.

Now go to the Security section.

Now go to the Firewall tab.

Now select the option "Allow access for specific services and applications". Once that is selected, press the + icon.

Navigate to your Halo Demo launcher, and click "Add"

Halo Demo should now be added to the list, and you should be able to host again!