Old Rhapsody User
Originally posted by Androo
i almost downloaded rhapsody5.1... It must've been pretty unstable though, with no apps for it too.
Unstable? It is actually very solid. I have it running on two systems and have never had any problems. In fact it was my primary OS (for many years 5.1, and then 5.6) for my work system because it was so stable. I do consulting and I can't afford to have a system that crashes or freezes in front of clients while I'm working on fixing their systems. When picking which OS was going to be used on the road with me between Mac OS 8.6-9.x, Mac OS X 10.0-10.1.x or Rhapsody 5.1, I really had only one choice... Rhapsody. Rhapsody has never crash while working in it, my Rhapsody systems require far less time and energy of me than any other system that I own.
Rhapsody was running on three of my systems before Mac OS X 10.2 came out. That was the first version of Mac OS X that was able to displace Rhapsody, and even then it wasn't that 10.2 was more stable (actually 10.2 was just stable enough to be considered), it was that it was finally fast enough and had enough of the apps that I use that it could fill Rhapsody's shoes.
It should be noted that Rhapsody doesn't run in VPC as nicely as it does on real hardware. My two remaining Rhapsody systems use Pentiums at 133 MHz and 166 MHz. Those are not fast systems by anyones standards, but they run Rhapsody at nice speeds (can play quicktime movies with no problems, Doom and other games seem fine and everything just works).
Apps? though I haven't found as many as for OPENSTEP or even the later release versions like 5.6, Rhapsody 5.1 had more than enough apps for what I needed it to do. Rhapsody on the whole had a wonderful community of developers and it is apps by those very developers that make up a large number of the apps that I currently use daily on Mac OS X.
Some examples of Rhapsody apps that I have had or used:
- Create: Create is a wonderful app for doing page layout and web page design. It took over the roles of apps like PageMaker (I still use the 5.0a version from Aldus) PageMill/Freeway and Illustrator for me in Rhapsody. I have paid for the full version of the app for both Mac OS X and Rhapsody.
- OmniWeb 3: I use OmniWeb for web browsing and working with HTML code on web pages (still do this today in 10.2).
- TextEdit: Just like in Mac OS X, TextEdit was my primary word processor of choice in Rhapsody. It did most everything I needed and the things it didn't do, Create did.
- TIFFany3: The late Caffeine Software image editing app was a nice app for what I used it for (but not as good as Photoshop).
- PixelNhance: This app is one I still use today more often than Photoshop for image color correction. It does 90% of what I need with an interface that is easier to work with then Photoshop.
- Mesa3: Nice spreadsheet program (if you need a spreadsheet app)
- MacOSXAmp: Nice mp3 player, I had a ton of my mp3s on my PowerBook while it was running Rhapsody.
- AppleMenuOptions: This was developed after Rhapsody 5.1 (RDR2) was released and was included with Rhapsody 5.3 and later (Mac OS X Server 1.x). It lets you configure the Apple menu in almost any way you like (mine is very much like my Mac OS 9 Apple menu actually).
- Calculator: Doesn't come with the OS, but you can find it at peanuts.org, and then use ProjectBuilder to compile it. It is not that different from the Calculator of the Mac OS.
- OmniPDF: This is a very beta version that was not stable for me (it would crash almost anytime I opened a pdf doc).
- PDFView: This is how I actually view all my pdf docs in Rhapsody, it can read anything that Acrobat Reader 3.0 can read.
- MailViewer: Basically the same as Mail.app from NeXT, and functions like Mail in Mac OS X
- WriteUp: This is as complete a word processor as any I've ever seen, same league as Word and WordPerfect.
- PasteUp: About on par with PageMaker 5.0, but still a very feature rich page layout program.
- Chess: Same as both the Mac OS X and NeXT versions (how could they improve on perfection).
- QuickTime Player: Nice QuickTime 3 application, if you have the full version on some other system you can convert even the latest movie trailers so you can watch them in Rhapsody.
- RhapsoDoom: If you have the full version of Doom or Doom II, you can get them up and running in Rhapsody (this is a beta version, and not totally stable, but still playable).
- Quake 2: This only works on the PPC version of Rhapsody 5.1, but runs nicely.
- Hextris: Tetris type app, fun to kill time with.
- Risk: Beta version of the game Risk.
- Solitaire: Scott Anguish's version of the greatest time killer of all time.
- Balling: Another great time killing game.
- Fonts: I have hundreds of fonts for Rhapsody.
Anyway, you get the picture. There were/are apps for Rhapsody, and more than enough for me to be very happy and productive.