jerryechosyn is the name of your user folder, not your hard drive.
Click on the Apple face in your dock, which will bring up a finder folder.
Go to the Finder menu. Click on Preferences, under the Finder menu.
UNCHECK Hard Drives, under "Show these items on the Desktop", then RE-CHECK the same box. You should see the icon for your hard drive appear on the desktop - probably in the top right corner.
Double-click your hard drive.
NOW - you will see a variety of folders. You WILL see Applications, Library, System, and Users. You may see others, but those 4 will ALWAYS be at the root level of a drive that has the OS X system installed.
Double-click the Users folder.
What do you see there?
I predict that you will see more than just two folders there: Bonnie, Shared, and now probably some others.
If you restart - I also predict that you won't see the name jerryechosyn then in the finder sidebar, instead, you'll see bonnie after the restart.
(reason is: you still have that user account, and haven't yet made another with a different name. Until you do that, you'll still continue to be confused
Let me explain something: Apple has a set procedure, which is a safe one to use for changing the account name. It is 40 steps! (really)
Sorry, it used to be 40. Now, I see it's 43 steps. Check for yourself...
Let me know what you find in your Users folder.
I suggest that you DON'T follow Apple's support article, until you fix the user folder names FIRST. But, first I need to know what you find in the Users folder.