Hard to get rid of my Windows ways?


Apple Virgin
I was just thinking about my "old" days as a windows user, regularly having to re-install windows to get the best performance and have a clean system.

My Mac has been running on the same install since i bought it (About the time i jioned these boards) and despite not "having" to re-install OSX i have a stange urge to do this lke some kind of drug addict...... :confused:

For some strange reason I seemed to enjoy how much faster my PC was after a fresh install but I'm lacking this in OSX as it seems to be as good as it was when i bought it home and powered it for the first time.

Sorry if this is a strange post but it just struck me as odd that i enjoyed my spring clean of my PC and strangely miss it.

I suppose i can only blame Apple for producing a good an OS as OSX! :D

Thanks for reading!
Hm.. OS X actually gets faster when you learn to use it :D
I used to like the fresh installs- I still do- in Windows side, and on Linuxes...
OS X instead.. I have started to enjoy to have even months of uptime, without restarting the mac. Imagine that on Windows? NEver happened to me while I used it.. :D sort of, the more you know about hte Mac stuff, the better you can use and optimize it, and the less you need to restart it. Sort of sometimes different things you'll be enjoying sometimes, but .. well, look at the professional audio or video apps if you need the speed comparisons ;)
ha ha ha, i see what you mean. I have to re-install windows very often, but ever since i got a router i havent really needed to. For windows you can get a program called "deep freeze" it basically makes it where your computer stays in the same state as it was when you get it where you want it. You basically put all your software on your hard drive and active the program. have a separate partition for music and files that may get added. Then when you restart any software changes get removed from your hard drive. So why not make your windows like your mac eh? i havent used it, so far i have only been using my router it seems to take care of everything.

Thats funny how you wanna re install it, i kinda know what you mean, i mean come on here, half of the fun is reinstalling it. Atleast from my point of view, i seem to have more fun getting the game then i do playing it lol, download it, play it for 5 minutes and see how many i can get. Now thats a strange desire lol.
Personally, I only feel the need to do that on Windows. I haven't done anything like that to any of my Mac OS or Linux boxes in a long time....and the only time I have to reinstall Linux is when I get too daring for my own good and fubar something. :p Other than that, they've been pretty solid.
I tend to do a fresh install about once a year since thats when I might buy a new board or video or processors and I tend to change apps that I use so I go ahead and install the latest and greatest anyway :) I also ghost the system just incase at that point. Love ghost :)
contoursvt said:
I tend to do a fresh install about once a year since thats when I might buy a new board or video or processors and I tend to change apps that I use so I go ahead and install the latest and greatest anyway :) I also ghost the system just incase at that point. Love ghost :)

Start to think different. What the heck is ghost? In the Mac World, think Star Wars, think Clone. :D