wow, 1.4g is way faster!
i have a da 466 g4. i want to upgrade the cpu. macsales has a 1ghz for $200, but ebay has several apple takeouts from time to time for alot less. research has found that i can use a g4 from a qs with a simple rewire. but as far as using a mdd g4, all i found was one post on some old thread at xlr8yourmac that a mdd just will not work in a da. i want to know if this is true, and why? a detailed reason would be great, whitepaper like thing, but some web site to look at would work too. i don't have alot of money, but could spend the $200, and if i can get faster, or better yet dual, from ebay for the same price, i'd like too. so can someone here point me in the right direction? thanks.
ps, i would post at xlr8yourmac, but they aren't letting anybody register.
ps, i would post at xlr8yourmac, but they aren't letting anybody register.