Have I missed something? If x.2 is codenamed Jaguar, what is 10.0 to 10.1.5 codename?


The Mac Duck
If x.2 is called 'Jaguar' what are the X releases before's codenames, please help, is this obvious or did they just NOT have codenames?
I think that they probably don't have code names because everyone knows (or hopes) that Apple is working on minor bug fixes and updates whereas the big releases have all new features that they like to keep quiet, thus the codename.
Originally posted by MacPain
10.1 was "Puma"

Correct. 10.1 through 10.1.5 are still "Puma." 10.2 or 10.5 or whatever it will eventually be is "Jaguar," and it will be Jaguar until the next major revision... so 10.2.1 is still "Jaguar." 10.2.9 is "Jaguar." 10.3 is something else.
I think it would be great if the 10.3 or 11.0 (depending on how you see it) was named "Tabby Cat." Makes you shake in you shoes, eh?:D
Mac OS 10.0 'Cheetah'
Mac OS 10.1 'Puma'
Mac OS 10.2 'Jaguar'
Mac OS 10.5 'Kitty'
Mac OS 11.0 'Azathoth'