HD space disk lost


Why do i have to restart my mac to free space disk on the Hard Drive even when i quit all my softwares?
example my HD indicate 700mg but after i restart, it get back to 1.7g. (My hd is partionned). Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

i tried to clean - private/tmp and /private/var/tmp but i still have to reboot if i want back all my HD space. It seems that photoshop creates temp somewhere and i cant clear it even if i clear all the tmp folders or close photoshop. Thats a bit frustrating. Id like to never have to reboot my machine. Thanks
I think this has nothing to do with Photoshop but your regular disc-swap. I know this from the pc world. Whenever your ram is saffocated, the memory is using your disc. Such swapped memory will be deleted in a shutting down process. Maybe there is a way to delete it, but it surely won't get deleted after you close all apps. Did you try logging out/in again instead of rebooting?
a log out do not fix the problem as well as a reboot

Zammy-Sam said:
I think this has nothing to do with Photoshop but your regular disc-swap. I know this from the pc world. Whenever your ram is saffocated, the memory is using your disc. Such swapped memory will be deleted in a shutting down process. Maybe there is a way to delete it, but it surely won't get deleted after you close all apps. Did you try logging out/in again instead of rebooting?
For more information about system.

I have 1gb of ram and a 30gb HD that i split in 3 partitions. My osx 10.3 is on a partition of 4 gb. I use two 2gb partition external Lacie HD for my scratch disks. Hope these informations may help to find a solution. Thank
your main partition is too small. with the osx system on there there may not be enough room for virtual memory
I'm going to have to agree with fbp here. You need to keep about 20% of your hard drive's space free for swap files, VM files and cache files. For example, a 20GB hard drive should never dip below 4GB of free space (that's 20GB * 20% = 4GB).

In addition to this, believe it or not, but hard drives were not designed to be completely filled up. If you've got a hard drive that's within 100MB or so of being filled up, you risk losing data on that drive, ESPECIALLY if it's your system volume.
check the contents of /var/vm. It's hidden from view in the regular Finder presentation, but if you run 'open /var/vm' in the terminal, the Finder will show it to you. Mine is at 1 GB.

You might be able to trick the OS into using a different disk or partition for memory swapping. Make a softlink from /var/vm to /Volumes/otherdisk/vm, then reboot.

You might have to boot off a different OS, maybe the install disk, to pull that off, since the OS is actively using that folder. You might be able to do it while running off the main partition, just rename the /var/vm folder first, then make a new link for /var/vm, reboot, and then delete /var/whatever-you-changed-vm-to
cluster1 said:
Why do i have to restart my mac to free space disk on the Hard Drive even when i quit all my softwares?
example my HD indicate 700mg but after i restart, it get back to 1.7g. (My hd is partionned). Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

Are you using FileVault?