Hello everyone!


A never ending cycle...
Greetings all! I believe I should introduce myself, and ask a few questions so I can get the jist (spelling) of what goes on here.

Since I dont want to piss anyone off like a few people that I have about, I need to ask if there is anything I should avoid doing so ass not to anger some of the more important people running this show. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

:D (that looks pretty neat)
Hey, thanks for dropping by! This is a great place to learn about OSX.

The only real rule around here is to just keep the tone mellow...
Here are some other guidelines to kinda follow...

1.flame wars are not tolerated around here. Swearing and crude language are generally frowned upon, but not rally censored officially.

2.M$ isand AOL are always targets for bashing, so if you are a big Microsoft or AOL fan, you might want to keep that quiet. ;) Right, Ed? ;) ;)

3.If your problem seems like something that has probably occurred to someone else (i.e. network with a Windows computer, enable some server side technology) please use the search function to find your answer first.... more likely than not it has been answered already.

Keep coming back and always.... always! remember that Herve is crazy.
Why thank you rinse. I am guessing that there is one thread, where I have already visited, where anyone can do or say anything they want. I am, of course, talking about the "may I cus" thread.

and no need for you to worry about the M$ or AOL thing. I have very strong opposing feelings about both those companies. I hate them.
welcome ltm. good to have another anti m$ and aol person on board.
(rinse i don't jump on every opportunity to bash them - just the ones that seem to stress that they are gods to be obeyed;) )
rinse's rules are pretty much it. Just don't let yourself get all worked up in the cus thread and then have it spill out to the rest of the site. which is basically what the num nuts pair did. as for what happened to them - see the thread ' to nummi and nuts' in this forum.

herve is herve. try your best to understand he is belgiun and uses speech recognition software to post. what he is trying to say above is that this is a help site for the most part. there is lot to be learned from reading thru old posts and keeping up with new issues as they arise.

if you want to hang out and get to know people better then this is the forum for it. just don't call people names and you should be ok. else where it is more business but we still chat some from time to time in the midst of solving problems or discussing who has the biggest browser. basically its a nice mellow site with lots of mac wizs and linux linguists who between them can solve most common problems with osx. good bunch to hang around i think.:)
Hey Lessthanmighty! WO kommst du her??? Aus Deutschland???
Nur mal so...swearing mögen manche Leute hier nicht. Wenn du jemanden Beleidigen willst geh in das cus thread. Eins noch... Herve is n bischen verrückt aber egal. Wenn du ihn nicht magst ignorier ihn. Mach aber nicht so n scheiß wie etwa deez_nuts. Der is nämlich dumm und beleidigt Herve.

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

PS.: Herve for president!:D
Mad props to Ed. That helps.

Alexandert... whoa there fella. Nein, Ich kommt aus USA. If thats even how you speak it correctly. I have taken a few German classes, which I didnt really like. I use some german in my regular speech, just because I, for some reason, like it. Whatever you just said, I will have to spend sometime translating. I cant remember any of those big words.:D
About the AOL and MS stuff....

Theres no problem with liking thme, if you can back it up. IF someone gets in your face because you like office, tell them why you do and they'll shut up.

Enjoy your stay, and feel free to join the non-technical discussions.;)
Who likes office? We were forced to use those back in High School. Never did like it very much. M$ is evil... they cant think of anything original. Too many people use AOL, I would rather use something that is different. It usually ends up that those "different" things are better anyway. Never conform to what everyone else does. I suppose thats why apple chose, "Think Different".

Anyways thanks for your input Matrix. :)
yea MA, get back in your cage - you evil dell spokesman impersonator:p

the new guy is one of us. i think he has stood up to your test very well.;)

now phil, aren't you about ready for a new avatar again?:D
I did have a great idea for an avator, but I've forgotten it. If feel like I'm on the verge of genius. Unfortunately, I know that that is not true. I'll have to spend more time thinking of something witty, or perhaps I should become an advertisement for the bar and grill?:D

"Who likes office? We were forced to use those back in High School. Never did like it very much. M$ is evil... they cant think of anything original. Too many people use AOL, I would rather use something that is different. It usually ends up that those "different" things are better anyway. Never conform to what everyone else does. I suppose thats why apple chose, "Think Different""

Wow. He just summed up about one third of the posts in the forum. Welcome to the family. OH, and a warning about Ed, he's been known to hoard AOL discs and just sit around all day, admiring the gleam from the discs.:p

If you value your crappy software, be wary of a certain Mr. Ed Spruiell.
phil, you're doing that psychic stuff again:eek:

well, i really throw the aol ones away although i was going to give them to somebody who wanted to burn their os 9 discs once just to make the flames bigger. But i do use cd's as coasters. and there is a really cool purple one that i got from qps at mwsf that gives off the coolest colors.

i also have no doubt you are on the verge of genius. i can hear genius yelling. he is trying to get you off his verge.:D

btw - phil, your last post cracked me up - glad i wasn't drinking my sierra mist at the time:p

yes LTM, you did a pretty good job of assimilating very quickly. your social skills are very good. but can you fix a mac? passing the tech heads tests are a little tougher. ;)
Thanks for the compliment Ed. Just so I can cover my ass... what do you mean by fix a mac. Is that hardware or software?
I think you will find that there are those of us interested in technical conversation, and then there are some off us who come to, a... eh, socialize.;)

We're more of the friendly debate type. Don;t cross some people, especially mister racer x. He's a troll bounty hunter.:cool:
oh, i was really just teasing. but there are a few individuals who feel if you're not working on solving the problem then your post is not really welcome.

at any rate, any knowledge, expertise or experience that you have to share in the troubleshooting forums is always appreciated. this is a help site first and foremost. and people who are dealing with mac problems always get my first attention. for example when i log back in, i always check out the threads where people are posting difficulties first. if any of them are questions i think i can help with, i spend the time answereing them. then i go to site discussions just to see if their are any changes going on i should know about. then i come down here and socialize. then i check out hot topics.

but that is just my quirky way of surfing the site. i know lots of people who just check new posts and go. how and why you utilize this site is up to you.:)
That helps... again... I will surely help those in need. My limited knowledge is at their disposal, if they chose to take it. ;)
Originally posted by Matrix Agent
We're more of the friendly debate type. Don;t cross some people, especially mister racer x. He's a troll bounty hunter.:cool:

I'm friendly! Really, honest! Just don't ask Manic ;) ! I think (hope) most people find me friendly and engaging. I just have some opinions and love fighting the good fight for the underdog. :D
yes, racerx is very friendly when he decides to be so. lately he has been snubbing our social circles in favor of political debates. :(

c'mon back and talk with us racerx. we still miss your contributions to our hot air contests:D