Hello everyone!

No problem man! I dont judge people on what others say. I'll let you prove that you are sane. ;) Besides anyone who is for the underdog cant be all bad. :D
Thanks Lessthanmighty! :D

And Ed, it has more to do with not knowing what to say in light social setting than me being a snub. I mean really, look at the responce I got when I posted a joke (talking about a bomb of a thread). :( And neither you nor the Admiral posted anything in it either, I was quite hurt (not really, I figured that you guys thought it was sooo bad a joke that you didn't want anyone to think you guys knew me).

naw racer, atleast on my part that was, and still is, laziness. My best jokes collection is back in my old classic email client and cataloged over about 5 separate corruptions. So finding something that would live up to the standards you had set was tough. i still paln on doing it one of these afternoons.

i don't always agree with every thing you say, but i would never snub you. nor would i ever do anything more than make friendly fun of any lite social blunders you might make in our company. You are very accepted to hang with us any and all times. In our minds, you are one of us. :)

remember the 4 musketeers?
:cool: :confused: :p :eek:

and the Bar & Grill - it's hopping:D
stop by for a brew or some industrial waste any time!!!
Originally posted by testuser
Wait a second! I thought I contributed quite a funny joke to that thread. I think it was the antics of Nummi & Nuts that led to its early demise.

Your right, there were some great jokes (specially yours), but those guys killed the fun.
yes, and maybe it has been long enough for us to forget their stupidity and move on with real jokes. (i'll be joining that thread in a little bit - i have a few words to say about healing)


These two put a whole damper on the entire site. I bet they have left an unforgetable mark here, and it isnt positive. Just like this ManiacDVLN? If thats his name, I cant remember.

You want a joke then? Here it comes....

A guy walked in to a bar.

Thanks man!:p :)
Could you go to my english teacher and tell him that you dont give a ........ what I write?:confused: I would really appreciate that!:D
Ahhh... the well known Nummi has come back. Hopefully you will be a good boy this time.;) Its good to finally meet you though. I just have to be able to say, "Yes. I was there, and I met him.":D
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Ahhh... the well known Nummi has come back. Hopefully you will be a good boy this time.;) Its good to finally meet you though. I just have to be able to say, "Yes. I was there, and I met him.":D

ahhahaha... you are a bad actor :)
You all should look back and read all the nice things you had to day to me. Its a shame you guys became such assholes towards me after what I announced. We could have been friends.;) :p
We are all friends LTM... they just do not know it yet... just kidding. I know everyone hates us. but that is ok.
I don't hate anyone. You guys seem to put extra effort into annoying us sometimes but I hardly see that as reason to hate you.

you know, the sooner you guys let the past become the past, the sooner everybody else will too.;)