Hello everyone!

Buffy is really great! My mom did most of the research on her. She should be perfect, for us, in everyway. She will sit on your lap and let you pet her for hours. She is very playful and she lkes to run around a lot. I just hope that she gets out of this crying stage rather quickly. I feel so bad when I hear her whinning at 12:00 at night, and there is nothing I can do.:( Oh well.

I hope that you finsh all this lawn work soon. You shouldn't be doing all this manual labor ... at your age:p .

Jerry is around. I think he is busy, but with what I dont know. Ill remind him to post today. I need his help with the little agruement.

Talk to you later.:)
hey, i was afraid you had been kicked out. glad to see admin was just making a point about your last escapades ( i guess). at anyrate, try posting the pic in jpg or gif format. your bitmap came out as a php which is a pain to deal with. i still want to see her.

this manual labor seems to be agreeing with me lately. I think Jerry & you were right before about how much good it can do you.

i am getting ready to head out and do today's work after i finish my coffee.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
hey, i was afraid you had been kicked out. glad to see admin was just making a point about your last escapades ( i guess).

Ed... he is kicked off again. AGAIN! we are not sure what he did this second time.
well, i'm sorry to hear this. Rick you can write me at spruiell@pacbell.net if you would like. i would be glad to keep our conversation going if you would like.

Thanks for letting me know Jerry. so what has been going on with you? long time no hear from you here.

maybe you have seen where i finally finished my big digging project. i threw the first layer of small rocks down into the hole today. (to help drainage from overflow from the pond). I hope to have the pond in and filled with a functioning waterfall by next monday at the latest.

oh and just a little humor (?) - when my GF came out and made a joke about the neighbors thinking i was digging a hole to bury somebody in, i told her i felt like i was "digging my own grave";) :p
"long time no hear from you here".

yeah... and it will be a really long time again. I am sick of this shit. If Rick cannot be here, I do not want to be part of it. It has been nice chating with you Ed.
Hi Lessthanmighty!

I was just starting to feel like I was not longer the newbie here, but somehow you already have more posts than me.

Originally posted by TommyWillB
Hi Lessthanmighty!

I was just starting to feel like I was not longer the newbie here, but somehow you already have more posts than me.


well... you will have more soon... because the admin kicked him off AGAIN.
and now Admin has let him back on again.

Welcome back Rick !! :)
this has always been the place and it might as well be again. New members should get a kick out of this thread:P

I was just thinking to myself today as i was laying cobblestones that i still need to answer your email. I have been a very bad friend for not getting back to you. I was going to make the effort to do that tonite but then here you showed back up.

I will still go back and read it and make any relevant replies here and send you an email also if there is anything i think ought to stay private.

so you took buffy to the vets. I hope it was just an ordinary checkup or shots kind of thing.

yes the yard thing is a lot of work right now but the end is getting closer. See my latest posts in the bar for details. also i did some before and during pics earlier. if you haven't seen them i will repost the link here so you can check it all out. My son is here this week from Ohio and he has been helping me a couple of hours a day so that has really helped me get more done.:)
Hey Ed!

I have been on this site everyday since I have been kicked off. So I have seen pretty much everything.

Buffy pukes almost every morning. That is why we went to the vets. We want to know why. All he did was give her a shot and some pills. He took an x-ray, but that didnt show a thing. My mom is getting really sick of the vomit, so we are considering getting rid of her. But if we do that I know it will be a long time before we have another dog.:(

Now I must get back to sitting at home doing nothing for another day. What a waste of a spring break. I thought these we supposed to be fun. Oh well, back to job hunting I guess. Which is another waste of my time, but I cant take my mom bitching anymore.

Have a good one!
whoo whoo whoo whoo. rick is back. yyyeeeeaaaaaa!

We are not the post crazy idiots anymore rick. ! Xoot and Macguy17 are. they will be the next people to be kicked off.
I knew it, I knew it from day one that xoot would not be good. I mean really... who posts more that... what was it 10 times?... on there first day. Anyways he is the reason I was kicked off in the first place. I believe I said, "F**K You!" to him. Yes, that was the straw that broke the camels back.
Will this thread ever die? A lot of bad things have been said in this thread. Is this the infamous thread that got rick kicked off (a 2nd time) ?
Jerry, what are you talking about? This is the thread where we had so many intersting conversations with Ed. I hope this thread doesn't die, and that Ed comes back and says hello. We need to finish where we left off.

Where we left off:
Buffy is gone!:( She was returned yesterday to the lady we bought her from. She runs a dog rescue-ing shelter, so she will try to find her a better home. The reason she was returned was that she has puked on the carpet, in the living room every other morning. Shots and pills did nothing to help her, and my mom doesnt have the time or the money to spend to figure out what is wrong with her. So, alas, I will miss you Buffy!:(
Bye Bye buffy.

oh yeah... Kaylee's mom gave me a big ass XP book for you to look at. It does has the permission crap in it. So now you can keep all your nrop hidden. (unless randy finds your password). And... in the XP book, it says you should not normally be logged in as admin.
"...as an Admin....."

Maybe that is why it f**ked up last night. I was getting worried, the damn thing took like 20 minutes to boot up, and it had to have the cd in. Grrrrrr.

My dad doesnt have the time to screw around with the thing. Last night he was throwing disks around because he couldnt get the printer to work. All he had to do was put in the drivers, but noooo. What a dumb ass. If it wasnt for me we wouldnt have a computer.

Job hunting today! Got to get more applications, but it is snowing, no raining, no sleeting! Ahh crap who cares, its nasty outside! I dont want to go!
did you get drivers for your new "big ass" printer? if not... I bet Mrs. B. could find them on a tech site she gets free access to.
Yeah, I had them. My dad made a mess of the "computer area", so he couldnt find the freaking thing. I have to go through all of this crap. I cant find ANYTHING!