Hello everyone!

Yeah, Ill have to argee with Jerry on this one. Mentor is big. There are lots of kids that I have never seen, heard about, or even talked to. I always seem to see somebody new everyday.

Gee... I am disappointed. BroknHartd didn't post anything yesterday. At this rate we will never figure out who he/she is.:) Oh well, heres guessing that it was due to the fact that the forum was down yesterday.

In other news:
I am sick as a dog. I think going to the Mentor High School Rock Off last night didn't help. Damn, I hurt all over. And who do I get to thank for this? My brother. I swear, sharing a room with a sick person is the best way to get whatever they have. Hopefully I will feel better tommarow for my interview at the country club.

Have a good one!:D
so you guys must be part of the real Cleveland metro area. I also went to a big HS in southern Calif, so i know what that is like. and i probably knew more people than the average student because of my high public profile - running for class offices and writing for the newspaper. You may never know who this person is unless they reveal/introduce themselves.

rick - sorry to hear you are sick. but glad to hear that you went to an activity with lots of people there. you are right though, it may have contributed to your getting sick. Stress lowers our immune systems. and our bodies don't know the difference between good stress and bad stress. so being around large crowds can be a good stress - fun, but need to be a little more aware and cautious of what is going on around us. i almost always get sick around xmas holidays and right after my son visits me. both are alot of 'good stress' for me.:)

just relaxing and feeling good about yourself can go a long way to reboost your immune system.

and good luck with the interview !!:cool:
Thanks Ed! That makes me feel all warm and good inside.:D

I kinda figured that going to the concert wouldn't help, but it was actually quite boring. I wasn't bouncing around or anything. There were too many adults there who were "crowd control". The first sign of a "mosh" pit or any excited behavior they came over and split the group up. They even had the POLICE there. Note to self: Never go to a punk concert held at a school.

Hey Ed... how come there has been so many problems with the forum lately? It seems everytime I try to connect the server is down. This is odd. I hope they rectify the problem soon.

Well that does it for me tonight. I have a big day tommarow.:)
Good night all!:D
Rick, you must really be sick to be going to bed around 7:30 p.m..

The problem on Friday night was with our server I believe. Tonight the site was switched to a new server. Now that it is back up it is much faster. I would say it was worth the wait. I guess the bigger changes are still coming.

I guess a punk concert at school would be a bit constrained. Of course if it was really good music, then that would be more annoying than boring. I think that is the problem I have with a lot of punk music. It is more just a sound track to the activity that goes on than it is music just worth listening to. that is not to say that all punk music is like that, but it really is what separates the good from the mediocre from the bad. At least in my opinion.

Hope you're feeling better. Be good to yourself and good luck on your job interview. :)
I guess that the reason the forum was down was because they were giving the place a face lift. Personally it looked better with what we had.

Yea, I spent most of yesterday in bed. Only coming out to post.:) I am really considering calling this guy up and telling him I cant make it today. I can barely speak. I have been wearing sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt for about 24 hours. I need a bath.:D

I agree with you on the punk issue. The music wasn't even that good. Not that everyone thinks that "good" punk is good anyways. "They just bounce around and scream!" It would have better if the mood was a little more lively.

Hey, by the way. Where's Jerry? You would think he would come and talk to us. I miss his opinions.:( Ahh well, I guess he will eventually show himself again.

That's all for now.
Have a good one!:D
sounds like you are dressed right for being sick and relaxing. if you didn't go to the interview, then hopefully you didn't take a bath either. that way it will feel so great when you finally do. and you will think you are all better and get all sorts of good enery which will help you heal and then you really will be all better. at least that's how i do it.:D

considering that i was in my early to mid 20's when people first started mohing and slam dancing, i am a bit surprised it has lasted this long and become so popular. It never did much for me but give me a headache and some bruises. I would much rather dance (very seductively) with a woman than bounce around like i am the only thing in the world. rock and roll was always about sex. i don't see how anyone could even feel sexual listening to some of the more bombastic 'bounce' music. sure, raging hormones need an outlet, but jarring your brains loose from your skull doesn't seem like a fun answer.

just my old fart opinion:D

have as good a monday as you can:)
Well, I guess this is going to drag out as long as possible. As you might have guessed, I am not in school today. (hi jerry:D ) Called in sick. The best part... I didn't have a choice, my mom said I wasn't going today. Who's gonna argue, right? Ahh well, this will give me a chance to get some well needed beauty sleep.

I guess when you are with your friends and having a good time, slamming into people and going nuts doesn't sound so bad. Even if they dont let you mosh they could have let some people crowd surf. That would have been pretty fun.:)

Here's to me, here's to you
and if we are ever to disagree
piss on you, and here's to me!:D

Have a good one!:)
sorry to hear you are staying sick . good for mom for making you take care of yourself!! so hopefully you will lay in bed and get better and stay home from school one more day than you think you should so that you don't just relapse.

so what is crowd surfing? that is a new term i have never heard. it sounds like what i used to do at concerts - just wander all over the place and never sit in my seat.

so where did the disagree thing come from? i don't think i did anything to warrent that did i? and so what if we disagree on something? i hardly expect us to agree on everything. hell, i'm impressed we agree on as many things as we do. differences can be good.

besides, you don't want to get into a pissing match with someone who can drink more and hold it longer than you can:D

get better soon!!!:)
*rick walks into the room. he notices the answering machine light is blinking. he walks over and checks who has called. his eyes light up as he hears, "Kirtland Hills Country Club". he finishes listening to the message. he walks over, picks up a chair, and heaves it through a window.*

I hate when people give you false impressions and then dont have the decentcy to tell you other wise right to your face. As you may have guessed, I did not get the job. Piss on them. If they dont think I am good enough, I will go somewhere where I am apprecitated.

In refrence to the piss on you thing Ed:
-I meant no disrespect. Thats just a little saying that my dad likes to say. It more suited for raising glasses and saying cheers.

Crowd surfing:
the act of jumping off a stage and letting other people carry your body over their heads any direction they please. Its very fun. Not for the bigger boned people.

POOF! HE HAS BEEN HEALED!:D Back to fighting form once again!
oooh, careful with the window. not a good thing to be without in oHIo in the winter:p

sorry you didn't get the job. I usually ask if i got the job at the end of the interview. it helps avoid some of the anxiety of waiting and gives you a chance to inquire about any reservations they might have, then giving you an opportunity to overcome them. Some people have told me it takes a lot of balls to do that. If that is so then i figure you should be able to handle it:D

ok, glad we cleared up the potential misunderstanding of the disagreement saying. I had a best friend in oHIo who was fond of saying that too (his version was a little more profane).

thanks for the definition of crowd surfing. i guess i can see why a school with all their liability issues would not allow that. people have been seriously injured attempting this. i can also understand how it would be fun.

glad you are healed. and i am sure you will find someplace that will appreciate you. just keep trying and it will happen. and hopefully next time you won't be sick during the interview. these days employers often have a tendency to misinterpret that as drug abuse or a sign you will miss work more than others. employers would rather be safe than sorry. so instead they hire the idiot they know will do everything they tell them to. so what if he doesn't know how to do it.:D :rolleyes:
About the job:
He said he would call me on tuesday, (which he lied about because he called TODAY. Last time I checked, today was not tuesday.:D ) and tell me if I had got the job or not. He was nice, friendly, he seemed to like everything I said. We were joking around have a grand 'ole time. I could do every manual thing he said I would need to know how to do. I even golf, so I know the importance of having a nice course. Ahh well, can we say "car bomb".;) :D

Yeah... anyways... yeah.:)

Oh just saw the comment about being sick during the interview. I was actually feeling much better during the interview. So I dont consider that to be a factor in why I was rejected, denied, thrown out into the cold, forgot, pushed aside like yesterday's newspaper,..... and so on and so forth.:D

Gee... today is a good day to be alive.... or whatever.:D Who who silly willy!:D
so i saw where RacerX is broknhartd. i couldn't figure out what he would be doing in one of your threads the way you guys got mad at him. sounds like you took it pretty well, rick. What about you Jerry, are you able to see his point and take it in stride?

Rick, i hate those kind of interviews where they make it seem like you are hired and then slam you. I am afraid that this might be happening to my sister in NY. only they are taking forever to tell her anything (over a month now and they won't say yes or no).

so my 'soon to be 13 yo' son will be flying out from columbus to come visit me in 2 weeks. i bought the ticket today. He wants to take his bicycle apart and bring it out with him in his duffle bag.:p He is planing on getting a new bike with his bday money (a week from today) and he doesn't really like the one he has out here. of course i got the one he has here because he complained about the previous one being too samll for him. I kept telling him the samll one would be better for tricks but he insisted so i broke down. now he tells me he wants the old small one and says "why did you listen to me?":D Either of you guys ever do anything like that?
I feel sorry for anyone who has to go through that interview thingy. Thats all I gotta say.

Did we do anything like that? Well, not with bikes, I can say that much. I have done some complaining in my life. Music is a big thing with my parents. Not that this is anything what you are going through but... My parents are against all that "bad" music. Anything with those "Parental Advisory" stickers on them = evil. My mom used to sit down and read the lyrics to make sure they didnt comtain any, secret messages. I hardly listen to music because of the lyrics. The fast beats and gutiars going is enough for me. I used to yell at them for being so "anal" about it. They would say that they corrupt your thoughts. Whatever.

So if that has anything to do with anything. There it is. Thats what most agruements with my parents are about.:)
By the way:
I didnt think RacerX was into all this false identity, faking everyone out crap. It took me by surprise that a... um... highly respected.... HA*cough*..... member of the macosx community would go to such lows as to decieve the rest of us.

well first, i really meant have you ever had a time occur when you later wished you had listened to your parents? that they turned out not to be so stupid after all?:p

actually i did go thru the parental guidance thing with music for my son for awhile. which was sorta hypocritical considering that my first record was the Rolling Stones with "Let's Spend the Night Together" when i was about 10 or 11. But recently we have relaxed on that and let him get what he wants. I would have stopped enforcing that in another week anyway when he turns 13. If your parents were still enforceing music censorship after you got in high school then i would have to say i agree with you on their being a bit anal about it (not to mention just a little uptight). You've got to start learning to think for yourself at some point.

as for RacerX, sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. remember that you pulled that trick not so long ago. i think he just gave you a small taste of your own medicine. and i think it was for good reasons with both of you. at least the way he explained his reasons in the other thread. seems like he is really just trying to help you develop more self awareness - something i was doing when we first started our conversations. I see no reason to see either of you in any lesser light because of the masquerading. You have turned out to be a very ok guy. both you and Jerry are nice guys when you want to be. I think finding reasons to want to be has been good for you. I know i enjoy your online company now, wheras before i was pretty agitated by you. But your masquerading did give you a chance to show another side of yourself. :)
Yeah, yeah, people in glass houses should not throw stones. Got it!

Ohhhhh, so thats what you wanted to know. Gotcha!
Nope, I have always been right and when I have disagreed with them, they have always been wrong.;) :D :) Except for when they preach about... procrastinating... yeah, thats it. For I am a lazy individual, and I have not learned yet about using my time wisely. Unless its my time on the computer. I am a multi-tasker.:D

Being able to pin-point a exact time in which this occurs is beyond my at this moment in time.

Woo woo woo hoo! Come on yankee sing that song, doo dah doo dah! Oh happy day! Im having a good one. Keep it real!

Have a good one!:D
Ed? Not to be off topic... if there was one.... but, what has gotten into Racerx and Admiral again? They are really pissing me off. Last time I checked I had avoided them where at all possible and haven't spoke to them in a while. Except for the whole Brokenhartd thing, that was just weird.

I dont appretiate having rude guests on the "show".:D ;)
well, as you might notice from my not posting for 3 days, i have been rather out of it. work on the yard is coming along great though. But the last 2 nights my arms have been so sore i could hardly type. Today we have rain so at least for the moment there is no work to be done. but this will also keep the ground moist and make my digging a little easier. it was starting to get hard (the ground and the digging:D ) I am definitly getting stronger from this work. Yesterday i was able to lift one end of the hot tub/pond and drain some of the water out of it. i could barely get it off the ground a month ago.

i wouldn't exactly call Admiral and RacerX rude from what i just read. RacerX is just trying to help and that part probably gets misunderstood. I have to agree that perhaps he has exagerated some things, particularly about you. i now know you to be a nice guy overall. as for his criticism of you as not being a real friend to Jerry, i think the best thing you got out of that was Jerry's loyal defense of you. seems like real friends to me. I have had a few friends that we probably would have acted just like you two if computers and the net had been around at the time. We certainly spent enough time joking and calling each other names in real life. But it was because we were friends that we could do that. Let anyone else threaten either of us and then we were solid.

Would you like me to step in and try to moderate? keep in mind that would mean pointing out the things wrong with your position as well as theirs. I have said before that i think you should be allowed to carry on your silliness in your own threads if that is what you want.

Happy St. Patty's Day !!:)
Welcome back Ed!

I hope that your arms are feeling better today. A lot o exercise is good for you. I used to be a member of a gym, but that fell apart when I had to rely on my dad to take me there. He stopped going so naturally I couldn't go anymore.

The only real problem that I have with the two of those guys is that, I dont really appretiate them coming in and saying I must not be good friend. I like to think I am, and I try to be. I dont really believe a whole lot they say, since they obviously dont know me worth crap.

I would hate to get you involved with this Ed. Hopefully this will very soon blow over. I dont know why they feel they need to blow off so much steam at either me or Jerry. So, I wont ask you until this really gets out of hand. Which I doubt it will. Hopefully I can change the subject enough and they will kindly go away.

You know what? I totally forgot about St. Pat's day. I didnt even watch the parade. Tisk Tisk, and I even have quite a bit of Irish in me.

I could use one excuse for my forgetfulness. We picked up our dog yesterday. Buffy, is her name. We aren't quite sure what she is yet, but hopefully the vet will be able to tell us when we take her in Monday. She has already shit in the kitchen, which wasnt so bad because the floor is....um....linolium? She cried all night in the cage and aparently that kept my folks up. She is about 1-2 years old. She is supposed to be "crate" trained. She was a stray and she doesnt like to be picked up. The shelter said that was probably because of mis-treatment of her previous owners. You can pet her anywhere and she will practactlly lay around and not care about anything all day. I will try to find the picture I have and post it for you all to see, that is if you havent seen her already, I cant remember.

Well that about all I can remeber for now. Im getting a headache from this damn screen. Talk to you later.
I would hate to get you involved with this Ed. Hopefully this will very soon blow over. I dont know why they feel they need to blow off so much steam at either me or Jerry. So, I wont ask you until this really gets out of hand. Which I doubt it will.

I'm impressed. That reply shows a lot of maturity and self responsibilty. not to mention a certain amount of friendship and loyalty to me. :)

I certainly hope you guys get it all worked out. I see no reason you shouldn't.

Congratulations on getting Buffy!! She sounds like a wonderful dog and you did a wonderful thing by giving her another chance. I am sure it will take her a little while to adjust to her new surroundings but with some good attention and care, she should be normal in no time. Dogs (and cats) that have been abused are going to take a little longer to earn their full trust, but once you do they are wonderful pets usually. One of our cats was probably abused before we got him thru a rescue worker. He used to run and hide when ever anybody came in the house. He also would not let anyone hold him nor would he sit on your lap. After about a year he started to learn who we trusted and would come out and be in the room with our friends around. About the second year he startedletting strangers pet him. Now he lets me hold him and sits on my lap. He also does this cool thing where he sits on the arm of my La-z-boy and puts his front paws on my arm - just like he was petting or holding me. I just love it when he does this. It is such a long way from his scardy cat days:)

My arms are feeling better even though i ended up going out and working about 3-4 hours after the rain stopped while the dirt was good and moist/loose. I finished my terrace, finished digging the top half of the pond hole and cleared away part of my old compost heap. Tomorrow i will plant and do more easy stuff for a day unless i get inspired to dig for some reason.:p

so where's Jerry? doesn't he like me anymore?:confused: