Hello everyone!

I don't want to start anything in here so lets just drop it. You have to beleive me Ed. He has never had a job, he never has to spend any of his money... because you did have that tiny lawn mowing job for your grandma.... but you never really did that either. I swear, I wish I had it as easy as you do. It must be great to be waited on hand and foot.

Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Help me out here Ed. How old were you when you got your first job?

hey... do not change the subject... Ed has nothing to do with me being a lazy ass.
Wow, this thread isn't that bad.:p

*Hey everyone! party in the "hey everybody" thread!

I think you guys are back on the fast track to acceptance, with the endorsement of certain, um... shall we say, influential forum leaders, most people wont be bastards.:D
There is always a party when Rick and Jerry are around. AHAHAHAH ! PARTY AT MY HoUSE. No smoking, drugs, or alchyhol.
Well.... no drugs n' such that we know about.:D

Welcome Matrix. Hopefully this little appearence wont end up into a "caps lock" agruement.;) :D Its nice too see that people are starting to come around.

Now... what were we talking about?
ok, first i'm going to smoke. i will try not to blow smoke in your faces or anything rude, but the no smoking rule has got to go.;)

i sorta agree with Jerry about my work experience being irrelivent, but just to answer the question i will tell you my early work experience. By age 10 i used to sell seeds - the ones you ordered from the back of comic books. i would not make money from this, but i got my first tape recorder and some other things this way (a reel to reel:p ). Around age 13 or 14, i got a paper route - the local free rag that i delivered on weds. mornings and sat. afternoons. at 15 i also got the regional afternoon paper but that only lasted about 6 mos because it kept me from doing much else after school. at 16, i got a job washing dishes and busing tables in a small restraunt in a mall. I worked there from the time they opened till the day they closed. I also did volunteer work every summer for the recreation program in my neighborhood (i lived right across the street from a school).

I also don't see the reason anyone should work before they want to. you will spend far too much of your life working anyway.

so Rick, this is a date dance? like the winter prom or something? other wise why not just go stag and hang out?

and Phil, good to see you here. yes, they are getting better by the day. Rick finally got rid of his Deez nuts lives. Jerry still needs to learn to ignore the hecklers - ie - the gun response to AK. but they are getting there:)
"Jerry still needs to learn to ignore the hecklers - ie - the gun response to AK. but they are getting there"

I am not going to put with any shite from anyone.
Rick - going to a dance where you buy couples tickets would be a drag without a date, i agree. so maybe you should drive that 2 hours and get your dog tomorrow. that would certainly brighten up your weekend. Hey, i used to drive over an hour every day just to get to my school. making a drive like that just once won't hurt you.

I also don't think i proved anything by telling you about my experience with working. Jerry is going to work this summer. that is plenty soon enough in my book.

Both of you - this isn't about taking shit. this is about living with what you started. of all the people on the board, my friend AdmiralAk probably has the most right to stay mad at you the longest. He did ask you guys to cool it and you ignored him. that was directly disrespecting him. give him time. he will chill.

general theory on anger and retaliation (some stuff;) ) - when you let someone get you upset then you are giving them control over you. all they have to do is push your buttons and you give them the reaction they are looking for. keep your cool and then you are the one in control of the situation. eventually the attempts to push buttons will go away. in other words it is better to just not give a shit and control the one thing you can - yourself. That will show you to be the bigger man in the long run.

and speaking of paybacks - yes Jerry i still want to play metamorphis. i just let you stew for a few days like you guys do me when i post something to that thread. i have to say that participation in that thread has been the only time i have ever had my feelings hurt on this site. and to be honest i know it wasn't just you. but you were the starter of that thread and hence the leader of what you started. i hope you get my point here. I would love to continue it, even with my limited skills, as long as we participate and not just talk about it when we feel like it. ;)
said by Ed
- when you let someone get you upset then you are giving them control over you. all they have to do is push your buttons and you give them the reaction they are looking for. keep your cool and then you are the one in control of the situation.

Oh... don't tell them that! :( If they listen to you that is going to take all the fun out of picking on them in the future. Besides, what if some troll is reading this right this very minute, troll hunting is much harder if you remove the emotional edge over the troll!
racerX - any trolls that make it down here to virtual Oz are more likely spies than troublemakers. or else really, really bored. although i do believe that it was in this forum i was called a "pompus little peacock" by that one:p

at any rate, i doubt trolls will look at threads with titles like "hello....". too personal for most of them i think.

but if you are really worried i will edit it after these two guys acknowledge reading it.

(i would say something about paranoia here, but i think testuser already knows that one:D )

he he
Good Morning All!:)

How's it going? Today, I will take your advise Ed. Im going to be driving all over the place today. I have a whole list of doggie shelters that I will be going to. That should keep me busy for today.

Fine! I wont yell at them anymore. It just pisses me off... thats all.

Weeeeee! Have a good one!:D
"i have to say that participation in that thread has been the only time i have ever had my feelings hurt on this site."

how did I hurt you feelings?
Jerry- by ignoring my contributions when i posted them. sorta goes to the idea that ignoring is more powerful than retaliating idea but a little different. i just thought it was like saying "your stuff sucks so bad i can't even begin to suggest how you could improve it" . I mean my work sat there for a week without anybody even saying thanks for getting it started. I would have been happy with people telling me what was unappealing about it. maybe i was being too sensitive, but it was my art after all which i considera very different expression of myself than words. make any sense?

btw - how did the dance go?

So Rick - did you get a puppy? i heard the snow started again yesterday in oHIo. Sorry i didn't get back to you over the weekend but i was busy with so many other things including the now old mozilla debate.:rolleyes:

so are we going to get to see a pic of the puppy when you get it?:)
Did you know that my dog was always biting. The only times she doesn't was when I was sitting on a chair and she did the same or she was running in the garden.
No... not yet. I have it narrowed down to 3 doggies. They are all Sheltie mixes, each about 1 1/2 years old. Not bad. I should have it figured out by Wensday. Hell yea I'll show it to you guys. I wish there was someway of saying that they are a very cute, and not come across as a homo.:D

Yeah... we were supposed to get a lot of snow last night. I was hope-ing again that we would not have school. Silly me... everyone around us had school off... not us though. Someone, somewhere must really hate me.;)

I heard the dance was a bust. Standing around for 4+ hours doesnt sound like a lot of fun to me, especially when they are playing music I dont like. Of course I could be wrong... what do I know.:)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
--Jerry- by ignoring my contributions when i posted them.

----btw - how did the dance go?

-- Sorry about that :)

----Dance was fun... I did not like most of the music they were playing. mostly rap :(