Help! Being bombarded with calendars!



I'm wondering if any of you have experienced a bad case of multiple calendars, more than likely the result of MobileMe syncing. My calendars are reproducing like rabbits. Is there something *I* am doing wrong? Or is there a fault in Mac OS X/MobileMe calendar syncing?

I have shared a screen shot to illustrate my point :)




UPDATE: I don't know if you all can see the file I shared. Feel free to e-mail me at if the visual will assist in providing help to my problem. Thank you kindly for reading this and for any help you may be able to offer.
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No problems here, but just curious. Did you recently respond to an email from Apple inviting you to "upgrade" to MobileMe Calendar? I did and experienced a couple weird things in my local iCal.
Nope, never got that e-mail (that I recall), but I've heard about the recent upgrade to the MobileMe Calendar... But this has been going on for quite a while now...
Hi there,
I get multiple calendars too and it is since I subscribed to mobile me. I thought it was part of my perennial problem of trying to use office for Mac instead of all the apple software, because i can't nominate Entourage as my default calendar so everything ahs to go thru iCal as well. BUT, hearing your problems makes me think that maybe there is a general problem. Any ideas out there?
First thing is first open System Preferences->MobileMe pane, Sync tab and turn of automatic sync (if it's on). Then open iCal and delete all the duplicates, keeping only the calendars you want.

Once you get iCal the way you want go back into System Preferences->MobileMe pane, Sync tab. At the bottom of the pane click on the 'Advanced' tab. Once this drop-down comes down click on the "Reset Sync Data" and push you computer settings back into MobileMe. The check the MobileMe web site to make sure you changes stuck that you pushed back up. Then repeat this last step to change re sync to back normal.

Good Luck.