"Help" closing by itself as soon as i open it


so everytime i press command-? or go to the help menu, help opens, but before i can type anything in, it just closes by itself.

any ideas?
Try trashing the com.apple.helpviewer.plist

here - user>Library>Preferences
i'm running 10.3.2 on a 1.25 aluPowerbook G4 w/ 512 RAM.

its only the help viewer for the finder. safari help works for example.

i trashed the helpviewer plist, logged out, logged back on, but it didn't fix it - do i have to restart?
restarting wouldn't hurt, but I doubt it would make a difference. Trash that same file again along with these, then restart and see if it works;

didn't work either - garage band help isn't working either, somewhat of a problem......safari does though......strange.

i'm confused.
try deleting the contents of the folder:


That will fix the problem.
yep. known issue. trash all .plist files that have anything to do with Apple's help application. usually, there's the following three files:

- com.apple.help.plist
- com.apple.helpui.plist
- com.apple.helpviewer.plist

trash 'em all.
Wow, you guys are great...I just spent 10 minutes looking for this question before I posted it myself. Now everything works great!! Thanks.