Help! I'am Stumped!!! Need Info To Clean Install On Iloked, File Vaulted Imac



I just purchased an iMac g4 running Mac OSX from a friend. He got it from his work and has not gave me the passwords yet. Long story short, I cannot log in nor boot from a new install disk. I just purchased TIGER for this mac and was hoping to clean install.

I tried booting from disk by holding the C key - NOT WORKING

I tried to reset file vault by getting into the firmware (command+control+O+F) - NOT WORKING won't let me get into Firmware Options

The only thing I can get into is the command prompt (command+c) but I'am clueless with commands so any help would be GREATLY apreciated!!! Thank you very much!
01. With the Tiger Install DVD inserted - turn ON or re-boot the iMac, with the <option> key kept present. Eventually (within one minute) all bootable volumes will be listed, and the mouse cursor will change to an arrow.
02. Click on the icon of the Tiger Install DVD, and then click the lower right arrow button. The iMac should then boot from the Tiger Install DVD.


If the above fails (and if another Mac is nearby) ...

01. With a Firewire cable between your iMac and another Mac, proceed with How to use FireWire target disk mode.
02. Insert the Tiger Install DVD into the 'other' Mac, reboot it to the Tiger Install DVD, and install Tiger onto your iMac.
This sounds like a hot Mac to me. If you bought it from a friend, then get the friend to unlock the Mac . I just have never heard a company selling a Mac or any computer before wiping it clean.
i did not buy it from a company. i know the guys boss and well, let's say that they're not really up on tech..anyhow they've upgraded a while ago to the newer imac's. the one i have is one generation behind (the one with the swivel screen) they don't remember the passwords at all.

I got into the firmware - I reseted the "PRAM" and "NVRAM".
Even messed around a bit and tried to reset the password by typing "password" the command asks to create a new pass and I did...but that didn't change anything on new boot.
After all this, I still can't boot from a disk (TIGER INSTALL DVD nor MAC OSX CD) when I hold down c key it spits the disc back out at me and starts like it did.

*Also when I was in firmware I typed "boot from disk" and it sort of restarted but it flashed this sign like not allowed and it froze the screen.

I'm going to try the firewire thing - I have an iBook that might help.

Any other suggestions??? Thanks again!
Sounds like there's an open-firmware password on the machine... yes?

If so, then one way around that password is to change the amount of RAM in the machine (either add or remove a significant amount), then zap the PRAM (command-option-p-r) three times when you first boot it back up after changing the amount of RAM.