Help, Im lost


I am new to Apples. I just purchased an Imac with Intel. Can you tell me what virus software I should install? Also how can I tell if software is right for my version. I tried to install Joffice, and it would not install because I have an intel chip. :-( Did I make a mistake with the intel chip?
Don't worry to much about anti-virus software, especially stay away from Symantec (Norton) products for the Macintosh.
I am not familiar with joffice, but you may have to have X11 installed in order to install and use it. X11 is a window manager system for Unix programs. It can be found here:

Their is Neo Office for the Mac:
And no, you did not make a mistake buying a Mac with Intel. Rosetta should handle the translation between Intel & PPC apps.
Virus protection is not a priority on the Mac. I recommend it for disinfecting the files received from Windows-using colleagues. I firmly believe that Mac users should not pass on Windows viruses. The Mac viruses that are, date back mostly to System 6 and System 7. There are no MacOS X viruses. There are most certainly no viruses on Intel-based Macs--not even proof-of-concepts. Personally, I use Norton Antivirus for Macintosh 10, which I keep updated. It handles all known viruses, none of which can infect MacOS X. IIRC, NAM has yet to be updated for Intel-based Macs. One of the antivirus utility vendors--I forget which one--has updated its software for Intel-based Macs. The takeaway message is that installing antiviral software on your Mac is an act of good citizenship, but not doing so poses no threat to your own system.
You cannot put any anti-virus software on that machine right now, since none of the mentioned anti-virus software runs on the Intel-based Macintosh computers right now.

You're safe for now, so don't worry about it. If you need peace of mind, wait until one of the anti-virus solutions is updated to run on the Intel-based Macintosh computers.

Edit: it looks like Intego's VirusBarrier is your only option as of right now.