Help Me Please. Dear God I Wish I Was Deaddd.


has a mac beyond repair
My powerbook 12" hard drive WENT WITH EVERYTHING. GREAT.

No one would replace the hard drive even if I bought a new one.

So I bought one.

and got it in.

and now im missing 4 keys on my powerbook, want to die, and im starting from scratch...SO! Please leave comments on what I need to do! all my songs that i have left are on my ipod mini....etc.

I ran DeLocalizer.
I have 10.2.8
I installed my purchased copy of iChatAV.

What else is needed? OS X has been installed less than an hour. Thanks guys. Also, if someone would like to donate a USB keyboard or sell me one for a low price because Im moving out and need to pay that rent bill, I would be in debt to you forever*

*not to be taken literally :p
Besides the Function keys shown in this set of pictures, what keys are missing? The Function keys or other keys? The keys you took out are now missing? If not, they will not snap back into place? My old TiBook I would take keys off all the time to clean under them, they snap back on real easy.