Help Me Please: Final Cut Pro Keeps Quiting


I just got myself a used powerPC g4 400MHz, and I upgraded it to OS 10.4 Tiger, with more RAM (512 total), and then installed Final cut pro 3. And it opens up fine, but when I start doing stuff, it just quits. I'll try and zoom into the timeline, or zoom out, and it quits. I've turned off the thumbnails, but that's not helping. I've upgraded to FCP 3.0.4, and that didn't help either. I've also installed the ProAppRuntime thing too.

Thanks for any advice.
I would suspect one of two things causing this:

1) Bad RAM. One or more sticks of RAM may be "sub-par" in terms of quality. FCP is very RAM-intensive, and one minor flaw in the RAM may cause everything to crash.

2) An unhealthy system. Mac OS X has thousands upon thousands of critical system files that need to be in tip-top shape for flawless operation. Check your disk using Disk Utility (repair both permissions and the disk itself) and make sure that your system health is top-notch.
Also, I've added more RAM up to 640 megs total now, and still it poops out.

However, it works fine when I run FCP 3 in OS9. So what's Tiger doing?
FCP will still run fine with 512MB RAM.

I suspect that it's a problem with your preference files. Go into your Home directory, open Library then Preferences and throw away the file in the Trash.
I did as you suggest and threw that file away, and still no good.

I think it has something to do with the way Tiger is handling the virtual memory. I believe you can't adjust the virtual memory in Tiger, whereas I've got it turned off in OS9. That's just my dumb guess.

But FCP3 seems to be working well under 9.2.2, so far, but I'd rather it work in 10.4 for compatibilty reasons. And eventually, I'll have to upgrade to FCP5.
I'm thinking that Final Cut Pro 3 may have some issues working with QuickTime 7 as it is dated, therefore Final Cut Pro 3 does not work under Tiger.

Is upgrading an option for you? If you don't want to fork out all the money for Final Cut Studio give Final Cut Pro 4.5 HD a go, it's great and works a treat.
The reason that I'm trying to figure out this combination is that I work with FCP3 and Tiger at my station at work. The difference is that the work system is a G4 Quicksilver (mirrored front). So FCP3 and Tiger does work together, but I don't know why it just wont work on a much older G4 like mine at home.

I'd like to try upgrading to see if FCP 4.5 works on Tiger, but that means I wont have file compatibility with the system at work.
Finally got it work!

Turns out I had the language set to Canada, which can "only be used by Unicode applications."

So I set to U.S. language, and now it works like a dream. Thanks for all the help, peoples.
