Help needed with spreadsheet in Appleworks 6.2.9


So, a friend has a spreadsheet in Appleworks 6.2.9 and he wants to have a thick underline going across the width of the spreadsheet under a certain row, like a "totals" row. I was looking through the Appleworks help and found how to assign a border to a cell or a series of cells. Perfect. I was able to do this but the border is too thin. :(

So, I was reading on how to change the 'line style' of borders in a cell and it referenced a "Table Menu" I can't find anywhere.

Can anyone provide some assistance?

Thanks in advance! :)

In AppleWorks go to the menu bar and click Windows, and then choose show accents, or just hit command k. From there you can make your adjustments.
Oops need to back up! First go to the menu bar under the window menu choose show tools and then choose the line tool, draw your line under the row of cells and then choose the width etc. in the styles palatte. Sorry for the confusion.