HELP! no admin account any more!


Hi all. I don't know how it happened (and how this CAN happen): I have no admi account on my iBook any more. There used to be 2 of them and one normal user.
Now I can't do anything. So far I found out that none of the existing accounts has admin properties. so I can't even restore the permissions using disk utility or install whatever tool to fix the problem. I am locked out of my own mac!
I need to work and I don't know how to get things going again. drag&drop doesn't work either, not even within apps (e.g. mail).
I have no clue whatsoever. I thought one admin is the minimum...


Do you have root inabled?
If not you can try to inable it but I am not sure if you can if you do not have admin rights. It is worth a try though!
You'll definately need admin rights to enable root. The best thing I can think of is start off the install CD. I believe there's a utility on there to reset admin passwords. You might have other functionality as well.
I have resetted the passwords using the install cd. no changes. it is because NONE of the users appears to have admin permissions, which should be impossible as far as i thought.

Does anybody know what i can doo (I can't even boot under OS9 and try to fix things, because the computer won't let me)
Well, somehow root was enabled (even though I didn't do it). I changed the root passwd using th os X cd and logged in as root. Then I set my private account back to admin. BUT: the system settings don't remeber this. When I saved the adminn settings for my private user and reopened the panel the admin checkbox appeared to be unchecked again (and this is also what the system behaves like). So I'm still locked out of my mac. please help!

PS obvously I did repair the disk permissions, no result. There is something with "overlapping file" could this be responsible for the trouble? How can it be fixed?

Thanks so far, please send me suggestions.