help .... pls hurry..

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does anyone know what the terminal command in osx for listing EVERY user and group even hidden ones? post haste porfavor!
cat /etc/passwd see all user accounts on the system.

cat /etc/group see all groups on the system.

users see who's currently logged in.
Btw.: Don't try to urge other users this way. It's very impolite. Basically every user on this forum with a problem probably requires help very quickly. People online will answer threads if they have answers. A thread title like this gets on the moderators' nerves (and quite probably the users' as well).

Creating a thread:
1.) Select the correct forum. (You did that correctly.)
2.) Give an appropriate, concise thread title that describes what you intend to ask or say. (You didn't do that. Imagine if ten users created threads that read "Help! Immediately!" on the same day. We don't want those thread titles.)
3.) Stay away from screaming at people in RED LETTERS! You want people's help, right? Or do you really want to pi** us off?
4.) Wait until someone comes along and gives you an answer. (You did alright in that department, I just mention it because impatient people often start to get even more impatient if no-one answers their threads within a couple of minutes.)
Btw.: Don't try to urge other users this way. It's very
3.) Stay away from screaming at people in RED LETTERS! You want people's help, right? Or do you really want to pi** us off?
4.) Wait until someone comes along and gives you an answer. (You did alright in that department, I just mention it because impatient people often start to get even more impatient if no-one answers their threads within a couple of minutes.)

f *&^ d*(^! ;) i wasnt screaming, i was saying HELP.... #@* &*(%.
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Smart one. Hmmm, I don't see anyone else having problem with fryke. I would thank him for giving you some tips, this way next time you won't have more people annoyed at you. Especially since here he is in a much high position than you.
(sorry had to add my two cents)
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