Help: screwed my display


I have a Samsung 192N lcd display connected to my G4 tower. I inadvertently changed the display settings to a combination of resolution and Hz that caused my display to go black and show a little box saying, "Video mode not supported." Stupidly, I hit Enter and fixed the new settings.

I have a second video card in the G4. I got my girlfriend's monitor and hooked it up to that card and tried to change the setting back, but it seems like OS X "remembers" the hardware plugged into the port and always uses the incorrect setting when the lcd is plugged in.

Any ideas on how to make the lcd work when it's plugged in?

Sometimes zapping the PRAM can help in this situation.

Restart while holding down Command-Option-P-R keys. Keep holding them down until the computer has restarted twice. Let go, and let the computer boot normally.
Hmmm... howabout a complete NVRAM reset? Boot into open firmware, then type this at the prompt:

reset-nvram (then hit enter)
reset-all (hit enter again and it should reboot)

That may do the trick.
ElDiabloConCaca said:
Hmmm... howabout a complete NVRAM reset? Boot into open firmware, then type this at the prompt:

reset-nvram (then hit enter)
reset-all (hit enter again and it should reboot)

That may do the trick.

Thanks for the tips, but I solved it another way. I installed a VNC (Virtual Network Computer) server on my machine after hooking a different monitor up to it. I used a VNC client on the other Mac in the house to control my machine and reset the display settings while the LCD was connected, and everything's hunky dory.
