HELP- X.0! Grey'd out drive on Walstreet--NO INSTALL


Trying to install 10.0 on a wallstreet 233 with upgraded hard drive. Drive has good version of 9.1 on it and 9.1 boots and runs no prob. during X.0 installation, Drive is greyed out and no drive is available for install. I started up off the provided 9.1 cd and updated the hard drive drivers with Drive Setup. Still nada.

Am I going to have to switch back to the teeny little 2gb?
Had this same problem on my Beige G3/266. Make your OSX partition the first 8GB of the disk. It can't be any larger than 8GB because the ENTIRE partition must be contained in the first 8GB of the disk. HTH.
I'd like to just use this spot to vent as to how misleading the ReadMe was. The ReadMe specifically says IF you're using an Old World machine AND you're using multiple partitions, THEN OS X needs to be in the first 8GB of the disk. I specifically read that to mean that it didn't apply to me since I wasn't using multiple partitions, just a single 12GB partition.


I am using a summer 2000 imac (new-world ROM) with a 10 GB hard drive. I would read the readme quote from the previous post to mean that I will not have to worry about the 8GB limit. Is this true, or will I need to rearange my data before installing the final?
Reformatted hard drive into 6gb/4gb and I got it installed, but I proved it is possible to both light a candle AND curse the darkness.

REALLY, REALLY cool. Joan Osborne rockin on iTunes as we speak "Like a hurricaaaaaaaaane!"

Now If I can just get the files off my PC... Anyone compiled Samba yet?
Originally posted by macavenger
I am using a summer 2000 imac (new-world ROM) with a 10 GB hard drive. I would read the readme quote from the previous post to mean that I will not have to worry about the 8GB limit. Is this true, or will I need to rearange my data before installing the final?

You don't have to worry about it. This only applies to Wall Street PowerBooks and Beige G3s.

I can see now that the "Before You Install" PDF mentions iMacs. However, I don't remember seeing that in the Read Me on the CD. Can someone verify that the CD says the same thing? (I don't have access to mine right now.)

If the iMacs are also subject to this limitation, that would be kind of weird, since the iMac was the first New World machine. My understanding of this limitation was that it was inherent to the OldWorld loader code in Darwin.
