I ordered last Wednesday...nearly a week on and today I was assured it would be with me....another 3 hours and if I don't have it I will go mad.
BTW...I don't mind paying for the beta...because I want to see the problems before I have to make a serious decision about using it full time, and I wanna se the bugs so that I know how to work around...what I do mind is the fact that the Apple Store Online is a load of rubbish...in trerms of its order status....I mean why offer a facility if it doesn't work? Why say you will deliver in 2 days when you mean a week.....uh oh ...I was forgetting. This is Apple... I love macs and I wil foego the delivery backlog because I don't want to end up being a whinging windows nerd!! Apple...you are forgiven (just get it to me this week !)