Ed, you were very close with your theory! Theres only one problem. Herve did not write the program, he
is the program! Thats right, "herve" is the name of an AI project created in the netherlands. This program has been let loose on the net.
By hacking the babelfish servers to radomly pick out translated sentences imputed by other babelfish users, herve gains the text for his posts.
there is a 10% chance that "herve" posts a new thread, as you said before Ed.
there is also a 30% chance of herve posting an image, which is selected using google's image search. One of three words is used as the search filter:
Once this search is comleted, result #234 is selected and added to the post.
Well, I hope this explains the phenomenon known as "herve." Wow AI sure has come a long way, but, wow, is sure has a long way to go.....