Herve's Bar & Grill

poptart, Jonathan Ive designed the ipod and I'm sure he'd do any new one..... And why would someone with a job like that at apple want another job....
hey satanic, i never knew your name was satanicpoptart, i always thought it was popart...which gives a totally different meaning to the whole thing :)

Ive did design the iPod--I think the info you're getting is false. The iPod, design-wise, is perfect. NOTHING needs to be changed. I love mine :)
Hey Blue Fusion, your site doesn't work:p I tried Omniweb, IE, and Chimera and none of the links in the sidebar work at all. Just thought you would like to know:D
hahahaah popart.... ha that great. poptart's are really good, and puting satan in a name pisses ultra-right-wing-christians off so i do it alot.
JohnnyV: yes, I'm aware of that. I've barely started working on the site, but I thought I might as well start advertising :) All in good time. I suppose I should take the site offline? :p
(currently in flashback mode)

ahh... the good ol days of major xoot posting...

i just remembered to look at my post count in a thread and noticed i was coming very close to the 1000 mark.... and i would wish that Ed Spruiell would create my Congrats post when I reach the big 1k (1000)... he has been a good friend...

oh well, i'll let you guys know when i get close! :)
satanicpoptart! welcome back! you figure out the problem why you couldn't access the site?! (well... i'd hope so... otherwise how else are you here!)

anyways, great to see you back on the boards after a long time gone!

note: sorry if he's been back for awhile since i've been gone lately...
BlueFusion, I wouldn't take the site offline, but I wouldn't advertise it, or list it in search engines until it is working, I'll take a look at the code when I get time later and see if I can help:D
also, bluefusion, it looks like you just used KPT effects in your site... you might want to try to create your own (since you have such a great collection of photographs) instead of just full out using KPT...

just a bit of design help...

plus... make your entrance image smaller... even on 1024x768 it's a bit too large...
<< Post Count...

Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
i just remembered to look at my post count in a thread and noticed i was coming very close to the 1000 mark.... and i would wish that Ed Spruiell would create my Congrats post when I reach the big 1k (1000)... he has been a good friend...

the time has come..
I bit my tongue at supper =-P* Hard. Two hours later, and it's still bleeding if I move it around too much.

We were going to have baklava for desert, but I couldn't cause then I'd have gotten honey into the cut.

I'll need something to disinfect the cut. I gather rum is effective.
hmmmm... I guess im going to sleep now, shining the apple pro mouse's light around is amusing me... Must mean im tired. :D

well scruffy, it's been about 3 hrs since you posted. Feeling good and disinfected yet?

BB - i just wanted to let you know that i was honored you asked me to start your congrats page. sorry that little weasel JohnnyV :)D)beat me to it. I was mowing the yard about then. of course, it never hurts to have anybody show they like you.;)

the weather must be turning nicer or school and work are heating up because this was one of the slowest mondays i can remember in Herve's. On the other hand, lots of new topics sprung up in the forum.

Think i could get that chocolate milkshake sometime soon ksv?:cool:
Laaaaaaaadies and germs! eeehhh I mean gentlemen! (damn speechwriter :p)

The countdown HAS BEGUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 workdays until classes are over!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Tismey! Morning coffee for everyone ;)
