Herve's Smoking Lounge

heheehe, thanks giaguara, i have it on the old one, and i have my QuickReply box... ahhhh whew, the new appearance is too bright for me.
Androo, I guess now the poll options are only for the contributing members ... you can always suggest a poll to a nice mod and they might post it to you ;)
Hey, no such offenses in a smoking lounge. :P

There are a LOT of nice mods around here. I guess. Must be.
oh, you could try a sleazy mod if you don't find a nice mod, Androo. Or a Chmod 777 - mod could do as well :p
Originally posted by Giaguara
...Or a Chmod 777 - mod could do as well :p
That's the problem with polls. They default to 744.

If they were 777 we would not be having these issues.

Maybe we just need a "chown users polls"? Then 744 would be fine because only non-moderators could create them... ::ha::
or maybe i could just contribute.... though i dont have any money to give at the moment, i need it for food and really important things.
Maybe if i get a new customer for Penguinn Inc (lol my company) then i will contribute.
Hmm.... do all people in here even smoke?
I don't smoke the cigaret... err.. i mean i don't smoke. :confused:

Hm Tommy I'll need ti change my permissions...
Heh, that's a good idea, Gia. 764 is much better. I always wondered why you didn't care if others could execute you. :p

-- maybe I was just perverted enough to want to see if anyone wanted to execute me? :p G.
I'm a typical party smoker. And I do smoke weed, I even grow it thanks to very reasonable interpretation of laws in Switzerland. It's illegal but they won't send you to jail for it and in many places they won't even fine you anymore. That's the way it's supposed to be. Period. Fact is, a society without drugs is completely utopian. You can't keep people from getting high. War on drugs? Didn't work. Never will.

Legalize it!

P.S.: I'm sure as hell glad that I don't live in certain parts of the U.S., not being allowed to smoke in a bar is like...there's something essential missing. I know it's bad for your health and shit but if you're that concerned about your health DON'T GO OUT DRINKING AND STAYING UP LATE!
:confused: :confused: This is how I *cough* look in the smoking lounge too long. You guys all *cough hack* need a cleaner, less expensive *cough* habit. :confused: I figure I can calm down in healthier *cough* ways than inhaling tar, cyanide, arsenic, formaldehyde, acetone, carbon *cough* monoxide, and all 4000 other chemicals in cigarette smoke. But it's your *cough hack wheeze* choice. Just don't come to me when you *cough* need an ::ha:: operation for lung cancer. Besides, there's nothing *cough* wrong with a Utopian society.

In conclusion, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc. are just plain ::evil:: ::evil::. Smoking is not :cool:. *cough hack hack cough choke wheeze cough*
Originally posted by arden
Just don't come to me when you need an operation for lung cancer

Hm... Makes me think of something I've studied in economy.

Do I cost more to society if I die from cancer after two years of heavy, intensive treatment in hospital or after ten years of senility in an pension ?


PS: utopian societies have nothing bad at all, that's part of their definition !
hmm... i haven't found a nice mod..... do they sell them on ebay?
lol i forgot what the poll was going to be about anyway. Or maybe I will do things, and make stuff. Remember that book where the dude took material and made it into something? Then when it broke or something, he made it into something else? Well that has nothing to do with what i am saying.
Originally posted by toast
Hm... Makes me think of something I've studied in economy.

Do I cost more to society if I die from cancer after two years of heavy, intensive treatment in hospital or after ten years of senility in an pension ?


PS: utopian societies have nothing bad at all, that's part of their definition !

who cares about ur economy!! ur health is more important! be a practising christian, the world would be a better place.