Hiding volume from user


I'm trying to setup a 'guest' user for family that is coming over. I have 3 volumes (OSX, OS9, Work). When they log in as guest, I don't want them seeing my 'Work' volume. I can turn off priviledges so they can't open files, but I'd rather just have it disappear. Is this possible?
Yep. Plus it is real easy. Click on the 'Work' volume and do a Finder action of Get Info (in the File selection). In the Ownership & Permissions tab- Others selection just make the volume only accessible to yourself.
I have set my ownership and permissions on 1 of my drives to no access by clicking on the drive and selecting get info and changing the box where it says "you can" to no access. Now the drive has disappeared off the desktop and i can't get access to it. You can view it in disk utility but you can not do anything else. Can anybody help me. It would be much Appreciated.

Many thanks David
one way is to enable the root user, but before you do, you must respect how much damage you can do while logged in as root.

open Netinfo Manager in your Utilities folder in Applications. go Security > Authenticate..., and enter your password. now go Security > Enable Root User. now you can log out, and log into root. find the drive and return it's permission level back to what you want. now log out, log back in as yourself and return to netinfo manager to turn root off again.

root is the highest level of user, and can do anything, mostly without warnings. root is not recommended for everyday use as you can very easily screw stuff up.
Thanks alot for the help. Followed your instructions and its worked.You dont know how much you've helped me, Your a genius. Thanks for your time.

David Dawood