

Hello folks,

I'm a long time PC engineer who recently has moved to administering and supporting Macs too as part of my job - a month ago I had never even switched one on; now I'm Apple certified and in charge of our department's first deployment :rolleyes: luckily I had some experience in BSD Linux before I started ;) The infamous Apple usability ethic helped a lot too!:cool:

Anyways, as a result, I'm possibly going to be on the asking end of more questions than I will be on the answering, but I'm a time-served engineer in every other field and will happily share any knowledge I can :)

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Eeeee by 'eck! Another Northerner… Gradely, Lad, gradely. It's reet grand ter sithee.

Welcome ter t'forum. (Even if you are from the wrong side of the Pennines…) :D

If you're after tech help with a Mac, you've come to the right place.
Eeee, jus' dawn't gerrus started, Mush!

Tha knaws when they talk abowt "Noertherners" like that? Theyz talk abowt folks from t'wrong side o' t'Pennines, tha knaws! :p Cuz everybody knaws that us Yorkshiremen are grand!

Worrizzsit they sez 'bout Yorkshiremen?

"Yorkshire born
and Yorkshire bred.
Strong in t'arm,
but weak in t'ead"


An' worrizzit Yorkshire kids sez, eh?
"I 'ad seven in 'ere last week…
and I'm still finding crumbs!"

But ah'd rather 'ave a Lancashireman wi' me in a fight than some namby pamby Southern poofter, by 'eck. And they can't do fish 'n' chips proper down there!

Wonder what t'Yanks'll think abouwt this lot then… Worrizzsit they sez 'bout Yanks?

an' over 'ere!"

(With apologies to our Brethren From Over the Pond, who must be struggling with this thread!) ::ha::
bugger that for a game of soldiers, son!

and no, southerners have no comprehension of the concept of gravy. or peas. or nowt moist.

by gum, etc.
CheShA said:
Hello folks,

I'm a long time PC engineer who recently has moved to administering and supporting Macs too as part of my job - a month ago I had never even switched one on; now I'm Apple certified and in charge of our department's first deployment :rolleyes: luckily I had some experience in BSD Linux before I started ;) The infamous Apple usability ethic helped a lot too!:cool:

Anyways, as a result, I'm possibly going to be on the asking end of more questions than I will be on the answering, but I'm a time-served engineer in every other field and will happily share any knowledge I can :)


Then know about the site MacWindows.com. The are all about integrating Macs into Windows networks and vise-versa.
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My first time in a forum. It was grand to hear you northerners. I'm a manucunian by birth and spent quite a few years in YorKshire, (went to Bradford College of Art). Luv both sides of the penines. But made Australia my home.