Hot wire HD?


Any electronic geniuses know how to jury-rig a HD?

Long story short, Bought a HD adaptor to transfer data from a computer whose CPU's died (see "Red Light thread here) for my son.

Inadvertently, he reversed the AC adapter's plug to the HD and apparently fried it; electrically, that is.

Only need to salvage the data and never use the HD again. IDEAS ???

(DriveSavers wants $700 minimum!)
If the electronics are fried, there's only two options:

1) Put the platters into another drive housing with good electronics. This is difficult but inexpensive.
2) Have a company like DriveSavers recover the data for you. This is easy but expensive.
Another, similar fix (which is one of the techniques that DriveSavers would try), is to find another hard drive exactly like yours, and transfer the hard drive electronics.

Who? Someone who wants to try, either someone with the time and the tools - or someone that you pay to do it.