How can I reinstall MAIL without reinstalling everything?


Have have OS 10.5.8. I am having numerous problems with MAIL. I think it is time to reinstall MAIL. How do I reinstall just MAIL? Also, are there files I need to take out of certain folders so my data does not get lost? Like p.lists and stuff?
Have you tried a "rebuild"? Probably the first step. Last item in the Mailbox menu.

I don't know if you have to save anything first, but I would do some selective "Export mailbox..." at least for the critical ones.

But I've no idea on a full reinstall.
First try to reindex Mail by following the steps I listed in the old forum post [HOWTO] a possible Fix for slow Mail. Reindexing Mail just might help.

Plus write down your email server settings. Then navigate to /YourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/ and find the file and move to you trash can. This will reset Mail without deleting your saved email. You will just have to re-add your email server accounts again but this will reset Mail. Doing this along with reindex of Mail should fix your problem.

Good Luck.