How do i change a dynamic IP?


I play XBL and there are a bunch of host booters on there. I have been "hit offline" too many times, is there a way for my to change my Dynamic IP adress? I have tried un-plugging the modem/router for a sufficiant time but that doesnt do anything.

Plz help
No, you have no control over the IP address you are given from your ISP.

Disconnecting the modem (powering it off and unplugging it) for more than a few hours should do the trick. If it doesn't, there's not anything else you can do -- control of your IP address is completely out of your hands.
"Renew DHCP lease"?
Sometimes ISPs have their own settings for when a new IP is assigned.

If you need a new IP for some reason, set a proxy for meanwhile..
dont worry anymore, i went to my linksys homepage and changed myClone Mac Adress, it change my IP instantly. A proxy wont help me in my situation anyways