how do i change network name?


I am connected to a network on osX 10.3, but the previous owner of the is mac was called steve. Is there any way I can change the name of my 'home' so when people connect to me they connect to sadie's computer instead of steve's computer? I tried just changin the name and ended up with 2 lots of desktop folders etc! I have managed to get it back to how it was by moving everythign back into steve and deleting sadie. but I am still stuck with a computer called steve.

I have changed my hardisk and user account to 'sadie' it is just this 'home' bit that we cant figure out hoe to get to say sadie?!

can anyone help?

thank you!

just one more question. it hasnt changed the icon that has a house - I think its called the home folder, although at the moment its called Steve?! How do I change that from Steve to Sadie?!

Sadie... I'll have to second the following suggestion:

It's best just to create a new account with the name you desire and work from that account.

In fact, (if Steve was the previous owner of the computer and there's nothing in it that he or you will need) I'd go as far as reinstalling the software that came with the computer (or upgrade-CDs, i.e Panther) so that you can live in a FRESH environment. If you wanna go that route, tell us what (relevant) CDs came with your computer and we'll tell you which ones to use to get the job done.

On the other hand... if you want to go with what is in my book the second best option (creating a new user account) -- again, assuming you recently acquired this computer in used state -- then simply go to System Preferences. On/near the bottom-left corner you should see Accounts. Click it. Take it from there. Let us know if you run into trouble.
there were a lot of things in "steve" that i needed to keep i.e. favourites for internet, work etc etc

i had a look at the links given:

and decided to give it a go.

It worked, just a few minor hic-ups. Had to re input some serial numbers for programs and re install printer drivers and preferences but apart from that no major problems - yet!

thank you all for your advice, even if i did ignore some of it, I never was that good at doing as told.

As long as you _know_ that you ignored something and don't come here to complain about it, that's okay. ;) Reminds me of 'Spectre GCR' (hardware/software Mac emulator I've used on an Atari 1040 STf back in the days), which had a manual that was written like a humorous novel. I actually read _that_ one twice. ;)

WOW! That manual's even online! ;) --->