So I got a new iMac and attached my powerbook g4 via target disk mode and was able to load up my home drive via the secure sparseimage located in "/Users/myusername" on the target disk in my powerbook. Well, I hastily disconnected the powerbook without unmounting the sparseimage (which has all my photos and itunes music in it). Now when I boot up the powerbook and try to log in I cant. So I reattached to the iMac and took a look. Turns out I can read the disk and all is well except for the fact that the "myusername" (nor the sparseimage) folder is no longer in the /Users folder. I successfully verified and repaired the pbook disk via disk utility on the iMac (no problems reported).
Clearly I didnt pooch the entire disk (I can read/write everything else and the pbook boots). My question is : Which utility can I use to get my sparseimage back?
Thanks for any help,
Clearly I didnt pooch the entire disk (I can read/write everything else and the pbook boots). My question is : Which utility can I use to get my sparseimage back?
Thanks for any help,