How do you get the old multi-colored apple...


back in OS X? Specifically, how do you replace the Apple logo in the upper left-hand corner of the screen with the old one. I've seen this in some screenshots before, but that's about it. Any ideas?
...on a tangent of this issue, I would like to know how to get the blue Apple menu in the center of the manu bar as I used to see in screenshots of VERY beta OSX builds. It just looks so good in the middle. May not be the most functional deal but I'd like to know how to do it nonetheless. :)
When you run an app in classic mode, the menu bar at the top goes back to the classic appearence: Rainbow apple, flat-grey background, and so on. This would be what you've seen in the screen-shots.
You can then switch to an X app, and the menu bar goes back to X style, with a shiny-blue apple, etc.
Originally posted by symphonix
When you run an app in classic mode, the menu bar at the top goes back to the classic appearence: Rainbow apple, flat-grey background, and so on. This would be what you've seen in the screen-shots.
You can then switch to an X app, and the menu bar goes back to X style, with a shiny-blue apple, etc.

Yeah I know what you mean, but I think I'm pretty sure that this was a hack to the X finder and not classic. The multi-colored apple looks a little different than the one in Classic, so I know it's a X hack.
There is a program, I believe, available on that will bring back the old-style, rainbow-colored apple menu. Do a search on there for "apple menu " or the like... I believe the name of the file is "ClassicMenu" or something like that. I've tried it and can vouch that it does indeed work.

As for the menubar-centered apple, this was scrapped in favor of the left-justified apple after the public beta due to overwhelming consumer demand for some sort of funtional apple menu. When it was centered, however, it was a non-functional piece of artistic flair... it was just there for aesthetic purposes. Users screamed for an apple menu, so we got the left-justified apple menu, which really doesn't do a whole hell of a lot but hold some system options that we can otherwise access from other places in the system.