how get rid of status bar?


hi. g4 osx tiger 10.4.2
it seems like when i open windows they seem to mimic the style of the window they came from
which is a problem, cause i hate it when the status bar comes up and scoots my icons over. i only want the status bar oen on one window - the main one.
all other windows i want without the status bar.
anyone know how i can get rid of the status bar? and make it a pref that it doesn't appear?
I think he means the Finder, and its metallic view (with the giant toolbar and sidebar).

This is my biggest complaint with the Finder. I hate it. There is no good way to deal with this. CDs will always open with the toolbar. New folders on the desktop will always open with the toolbar (until you explicitly turn it off for each folder). Any folder opened FROM a window with a toolbar will always open with the toolbar. Windows opened from other applications will.....oh, I'm not even going to get into THAT mess....

Sorry. Can't help ya. I guess Apple just expects people who use the toolbar to only use ONE window in the Finder. Blech.
thanks for the response, Mikuro
at least i feel less crazy.
i guess the fix is to just leave certain windows open and go from there. cause, yeah, i9f i close everything, i get this derned mettalic status window wheni reopen things
my biggest complaint is witht the trash, which always opens tht way
Any individual window can be changed through view options, change to This Window Only, then change to the view you like, change to the simple window, if you like, and close that window after changing the settings. When you return to that folder window, it will always be that same view that you set (except when you return to that window via a different path, then it will be different, usually.)
I have a number of folders that sit on my desktop, with varying views. All stay as I set them. Some have been the same since sometime in 10.1.something....
thanks for all your thoughts. i've gotten some help from some other techies and the annoying thing is that windows always "inherit" the style of the last open box -- they don't seem to remember what they were like when they were last closed. boo.
Right. You can only really specify folder-by-folder options for folders on the desktop (since the desktop doesn't have any window settings for them to inherit from).

The Trash bugs me, too. The best I can do is close the sidebar. For some reason it always remembers that. It's not as compact as the Aqua window style, but it's a lot better than the full-blown metal style, anyway.