How many Mac's have you had in your lifetime? (Home only + parent's machines)

How many Mac's have you had in your lifetime? (Home only + parent's machines)

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My family computers:

1. Performa 580CD
2. G3 iMac (Bondi-Blue 233MHz)
3. G3 iMac (Graphite 600MHz)

My first computer:
Dual 2.5GHz PowerMac G5 + 20" Display

The Performa brings back memories: 8MB of RAM, 500MB HD, OS 7 or something, but it still crashed less than the crappy Bondi-Blue iMac. I hated that old iMac.

The Graphite iMac still runs OS X really well though.
uh... 1! look at my sig. folks...

oh! and my brother has a 450mhz G4 with panther now and 768mb ram (i think). it's got a 17" crt Studio display (clear acrylic)
3 here.
I started with the ibook G3 600 in 2002. In 2003 I bought myself a tibook 1ghz while my brother got his hands on a alubook G4 867mhz.
My next macs will definitely be a G5 powerbook and a Mac mini.
128k Mac
Mac SE
PowerMac 6100/60
Performa 6400/180
PowerMac G3 266 DT (Beige)
Gigabit Ethernet DP 500 (Current Mac upgraded with OWC Mercury 1 GHz processor)
Mac IIci (just got it this month for free)
Around 2002 I got my first mac - a Blueberry ibook G3 300Mhz. Bought it cheap (used) from a doctor at our university. After my first experience with OSX I sold this machine. 800x600 resolution wasn't enough.
I even made a little profit on ebay.

I spend the money towards the purchase of an ibook G3 700MHz (in Winter 2002/2003)

Yesterday I bought a mac mini which primary purpose is to act as server and as platform to run Apple's video editing SW.
Suddently a few "historical" posting are being revived... Makes me realize I've been hanging around this place...

Thanks for the trip down memory lane Gig'. :)

I just realized I started this thread but never answered my own questions... So here goes:

While I used both Apple ]['s and even a Lisa in Jr. high, I got a Kaypro DOS machine when I went to college. I first started using Mac's when I found our school's computer lab my Junior year... I think they were all Plus's.

1) My first mac was a 7200... (Piece of crap... Should have got the 7500. :mad: )
2) My second machine was a B&W G3... which I ran many OS's including the public beta of OS X
3) Somewhere near OS X 10.1 I finally got my current QuickSilver G4

So in almost 15 years I've only had 3 machines...

Seems like I'm way behind the curve here... Maybe it's time to start upgrading more often? :p
TommyWillB said:
Suddently a few "historical" posting are being revived... Makes me realize I've been hanging around this place...

Thanks for the trip down memory lane Gig'. :)

You are welcome, it was a pleasure sharing good ol' days :)
Wow, just realised that it were about eight macs in the environment :confused:

1) Mac Classic monochrome
2) Mac Classic color
3) Mac LC
4) Performa 630
5) Performa 5200
6) iMac bondi blue
7) Power Mac G3 gray desktop
8) Power mac G4 MDD

How time flys by... From my first thought I was around three or four machines... :)
i have a realy short list:
mac mini 1.25 ghz
mac se with superdrive
other than that ive only worked on other peoples macs and my highschools mac lab
Apple][ e (no one ever said it doesn't count)

Powerbook 145 (upgraded to a 170 or something like that - Count for 2?)
LC II with Radium tilt screen page white a4 monitor (bought it from the office)
Powerbook 1400 c 117 (discontinued the day after I bought it. :( )
Powerbook 1400 cs 166 (broken - bought it for parts)
Performa 6500 - 250 (sweet machine - loved the startup chime through that big ol' echo box)
6100 pizza box (inherited from the office - but it's dead now, stashed under the bed)
2 X LC III (with ethernet cards in the PDS slot, both still work as a typewriters)
iMac Rev C
Clamshell iBook 300 - (loved typing on it)
G3 iBook 700 14 inch (logic board failed just before Apple extended the warrantee)
G3 iBook 800 (it was cheaper than fixing the 14 inch)
eMac 700 (traded-in for the mini)
Mac Mini 1.42

So I'll count the ][ e and the 170 upgrade to get me into the over 15 group
1) Plus of my parents (I had a 1977' Apple II at that time) - 1986 ?
2) My own Plus - 1988
3) LC II - 1992
4) 7200 - 1995
5) B&W - 1999
6) iMac G4 - 2003
I like how "Macintosh SE with SuperDrive" (ca. 1988?) might raise some eyebrows. ;) ... Just a little explanation for the raised eyebrows: A SuperDrive back then was a floppy drive capable of reading/writing both DOS- and Mac-formatted 3.5" (and both SD/HD) disks. Although you probably _can_ theoretically hook up a DVD-burner to such an old Mac through SCSI, I don't expect anyone actually doing it successfully.
They were called SuperDrives, and SE's with them had the FDHD logo on them. Also they were offered as upgrades (along with PMMUs) for the Macintosh II.

All the later systems came with them as standard equipment and they quickly lost their "super" name.
Actually, the name SuperDrive was kept in the documentation (those 2-sided product pages) for quite a while... I can't find those PDFs right now, but the Quadra 840av's developer notes PDF mentions in the feature summary of the computer: "New floppy disk support. A new controller for the built-in Apple SuperDrive disk drive is based upon Industry Standard 765, supporting both Apple’s Group Code Recording (GCR) format and DOS-compatible Modified Frequency Modulation (MFM) format."

So the name was used until at least the last round of 68K Macs.
And the original G3 PowerMacs' developer notes PDF mentions: "Floppy disk: one internal 1.4 MB GCR/MFM SuperDrive."
I guess I just didn't remember it being actively attached to any of the other systems like with the SE and II.
Apple ][ -- didn't count this one but I still have it
B&W 350 -- sold on ebay
Cube 450 -- sold on ebay
DP 533 -- sold on ebay
QS 733 -- logic board died, sold on ebay
MDD DP 867 -- sold on ebay
Mini 1.42 -- on my desk and going nowhere soon
Only for 12 months have I found apple; I'm so happy now! but even in that short time I can say 4.

1. iBook G4 14.1/1.07/512/60/Super Drive (my own personal delight)
2. iMac G4 17/1.25/256/80/SuperDrive (got my dad hooked right in)
3. eMac G4 1.25/256/80/SuperDrive (mom quickly followed)
4. iMac G5 1.6/256/80/Combo (Damn my sister and waiting for the G5; haha)