How many Mac's have you had in your lifetime? (Home only + parent's machines)

How many Mac's have you had in your lifetime? (Home only + parent's machines)

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First mac was a sawtooth g5 450.. but since then I have brought everyone in my family a mac. hehe

I have

1. PowerMac g5 Dual 1.8
2. PowerMac g4 450 (my first mac.. aww) I now use this as my server / test mac
3. PowerMac g4 450 - I picked it up recently cheap and set it up for my sister.
4. imac g3 500 - for mum. The problem is the video inverter died.
5. imac g3 450 - for mum to replace the dead one
6. image g3 266 with g3 500 upgrade card - for my little sister
7. Mac Classic II - picked it up for $15 dollars for St Vincent de Paul society
8. image g4 400 - Was the first mac I got for my sister, but recently sold it to a friend who had a good use for it.

I love my macs.
I've had 4 total. I bought my first right when OS X came out, a Blueberry G3 iMac. That didn't last long (too slow). A year ago I bought an 12" iBook G4, and a few months ago I bought a Mac mini and then a 17" PowerBook G4. More to follow, I hope!
I don't know if I posted this earlier, and I'm just too lazy to check.

I recently acquired a PowerBook Duo 230. Runs nice, but the batteries are shot. I found a place that makes batteries for this notebook, but for 60 bucks a battery I would rather hold off. The kids can use it to play some old games like Snood, Mac Tuberling, and others. :)
Macintoch IIci
Macintosh LC 475
Powerbook 150
Performa 5200
iMac DVSE 400
iBook DVSE Graphite 466
iBook Graphite 400
Powerbook G4/1Ghz
iMac G5 20"
Mac Mini 1.25
G5 Dual 2.5 (Work)

2 x 1st Gen iPods (5gig) - Me / My son
1 x 2nd Gen iPod (10 Gig) - My wife
1 x 2nd Gen iPod (20 Gig) - My son's second (first was smashed)
1 x 4th Gen iPod photo (40 Gig) - My son's third (sold the second)
1 x iPod Shuffle (1 Gig) - My wife's second
Feeling old ;)
Mac Classic (in the loft)
Mac SE (err can't remember)
LCIII (stolen)
9600 (over there ----> and should really be in the bin)
8100 (an old rip now Mums letter writing device)
G4 Dual 800 (now a test server)
G5 iMac 17" (workhorse)
MacMini - (TV, Pic printer and email for the 'bird')

oh and a second gen iPod - slightly busted but largely works.

and still wobbling 'tween :eek: and :D
Would someone mind explaining to me the point of the Performa line? .. Being that they all seem to be the same as another mac series (Power Macintosh)?

And secondly, how/what exactly do you use a computer as your "server"? What is it serving?
Aeronyth said:
Would someone mind explaining to me the point of the Performa line? .. Being that they all seem to be the same as another mac series (Power Macintosh)?

And secondly, how/what exactly do you use a computer as your "server"? What is it serving?

The Performa range was a cheaper low end spec. Much like the iMac is now. In fact the performa 5200 was an all in one unit with stereo speakes and 15" monitor built in just like th iMac

What do you think a server is for?? I use my Mac Server as:
1. a file server
2. a mail server
3. a web server
4. a webdav server
5. a DCHP server

and so on......
Right...I guess I just don't understand why people need their own server for things..unless you're like running a business or something..

I don't get it.. mail server?
web server? for what?
file server? my hard drive??
Server - home use? Probably not... unless you enjoy the technology... Some do you know :-)
As for me it's safe way of replicating what I have at work and I can break it to my hearts content; 'cos they don't get the importance of being able to 'learn' away from a live system.
Lisa (non twiggy :( )
Macintosh (the original)
Fat Mac (original upgraded to 512k)
Mac 128 (renamed after the Mac 512 was released)
Mac 512
Mac Plus
Mac SE
Mac SE30
Mac Classic
Mac Classic II
Mac Color Classic II (no CCI)
Mac Portable
Mac II
Mac IIcx
Mac IIx
Mac IIfx
Mac IIvx
Powerbook 100
Powerbook 180
Powerbook Duo 210
Powerbook Duo 230
Powerbook Duo 280
Powerbook Dup 280c
Mac LC
Mac Quadra 650 (could be a Centris, can't remember)
iMac (gray, 400mhz G3 I think)
Powerbook G3 (Pismo)

Lots of parts (external serial hd's, etc ), lots of mulitples (don't even ask how many "classic" Macs I have in total, ugh), a few sundry clones (Outbound portable being the most notable), and all manner of misc items (anyone remember the MacCharlie ;) ). BTW, these are all systems I currrently have. Guess you could say I'm a bit of a packrat (my wife has a harsher term that I'll not repeat here).
too many, or not enough...
I was so impressed with my neighbor's Mac 512K that I went down to buy one the next day. When I brought it home, he complained because mine was different. I didn't know the difference at the time, but I had a Mac Plus.
then came the following:
Mac SE
Mac SE30
Performa 630
Mac IIsi
Mac IIci
Mac II
LC 475
LC 575
LC 580
Centris 610
Centris 660 AV
Quadra 800
Quadra 840 AV
PM 6100
PM 6100 DOS
PM 7100
PM 7200
PM 6300
Performa 6230
PowerBook 100
PowerBook 160
PowerBook 165c
PowerBook 3400c
PB Duo 230
PB 520
PB 520C
PB 540C
Radius 81/110
Umax 600 MT
PowerMac 8100
PowerMac 8600
PowerMac G3 233 DT
PowerMac G3 MT B&W
iMac 233
iMac 600
iMac G4 800
iBook Clamshell (lime)
iBook 500
iBook 700
iBook 800
iBook 933
PowerMac G4 933
PowerBook G3/500
G4 Mac Mini
Newton 100
Newton 110
Apple QuickTake camera
G5 Imac.
Plus a few more odds and ends.
I used to think I had to have the latest and greatest but then realized
He who dies with the most Macs wins.

Actually, of all the Macs that have sat on my desk at home, I think the sweetest one of all is the G5 iMac 1.25. Apple got it right with that one.
Today, I'm wearing my black Apple turtleneck and blue jeans.
Is this an obsession? I confess, I'm guilty.
Holly Molly
looks like the left scale of the poll (x or y axis :confused: ) should take into account to the Mac cannibals :)
G3 B\W
I use a PC at work and hate every minute of it. The world would be a much better place if it ran on a MAC!
Mac Plus
iBook original snow white 637mhz combo drive edition
Powerbook 12" G4 1ghz
Powermac G3 B&W
iPod Mini Lime & Airport Extreme base station if they count
Only 2 Mac's owned...hopefully soon i want to add a 1.25Ghz Mac Mini or a Dual 2.0GHz G5 (::ha::) to the lineup...

Original iMac Bondi-Blue G3
PowerBook G4 1Ghz Rev. B :D Can't imagine life without it :D
Macintosh Classic 7 MHz? 4 MB RAM System 7 (Parents) - Was given to the salvation army.
Macintosh Performa 5215: 75MHz 40 MB RAM Mac OS 8.1(Parents)
PowerBook 5300cs 100 MHz 64 MB RAM Mac OS 8.1(Mine)
iBook SE (Graphite) 366 MHz 320 MB RAM OS X 10.3 (Mine)
iMac (Flat Panel 700 MHz 768 MB RAM) OS X 10.3 (Mine)