How many of you are using Safari?

Which browser do you use now? (Please try Safari first if you haven't tried it yet)

  • Safari

  • Internet Explorer

  • Chimera

  • Mozilla

  • Netscape

  • iCab

  • OmniWeb

  • Opera

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too early, i think. let's keep it up but replace it in a week or so. :)

i'm all Safari now, btw.
I like Safari so far. It seems fast and reliable, with only a few hiccups. I have switched to the Aqua interface rather than brushed metal (there is a How-To posted here). I am also resisting the calls for tabs a-la Internet Explorer ... the iTunes style bookmark list is sweet.

From what I can see, this will be my new browser of choice.
Gotta say I DO like Safari.....did anyone else put together the Beach Boys theme here...

let's go "Surfin' Safari"? Just wondering. But right now I am hooked on Tabs....I hope Apple decides to add these. Until then, Safari will be #2 behind Chimera. A close #2.

Safari... very nice, but no tabs, you can't customise the toolbar properly and I hate the combined stop/reload button. I'll stick with Chimera for now.
I have to say, I always sort of thought that Apple's pact with Microsoft prevented them from writing their own browser. Obviously I was wrong...
It's a very nice browser, and I'm glad Apple decided to dump Microsoft for theirs. :) Haven't had one crash, however, a couple pages showed incorrectly. Glad there's a bug button :p

And I don't miss tabbed browsing, but it should come along in a later build. :)
Their pact with Microsoft ended in August of last year. Apple can bundle any browser they choose now. The days of Internet Explorer being the default browser are fading like a distant memory.

Long live Safari!
The only thing that keeps me from removing chimera from the dock and leavin ONLY safari on it is Chimeras tabbed browsing:) ... so for now. i use both browsers. if i wanna read news on various rumour sites i use chimera. otherwise ill use safari :)
I used Safari extensively all evening and I like it a lot.

I never used tabs in the other browsers so I don't miss them -- though I'd be surprised if they didn't make it into the 1.0 release (or .1 at the latest).

I've already found some CSS rendering and JavaScript bugs -- which I will be reporting to Apple pronto -- but on the whole it seems amazingly solid for a beta version of a 1.0 product.

I had too many problems with safari. I tried it for a few hours and submitted two bugs. I use another forum like this one but it's for woodworking. With safari, it never uses my preferences. Without my those, the site is almost unusable.

Also, my wife uses a web based email system ( ) and safari doesn't work there either. I also miss tabs.

On the other hand, it's clearly the fastest browser on the mac. For that reason alone I'm pretty excited about it. I predict that someday people will say that without snapback or (insert new feature here) they can't tolerate IE or Mozilla. But for now, Safari's problems are show stoppers for what I do on the web.

Safari is great. But the tabs, they're so... essential to my forums and archives' browsing. Sorry, voted Chimera.

Later builds of Safari will get my immediate vote... as long as they include tabs.
i'm still a big chimera fan, but i'm giving safari a try for a couple of days before i make up my mind for sure.
I'm using Safari so far.... i.....heheh.

Ahem yes. Does anybody else feel guilty for switching from Chimera to Safari? Or is it just me?

Oh well...... mmm..... feel the speed....
Sorry, i voted Chimera! ... i've only really started using Chimea "properly" ... but since doing so, using something else seems a step back! :( ... tabbed browsing HAS to be implemented, EVERYONE has mentioned it ... i love the Dock popup for Bookmarks too (for Chimera) ...and the Keychain thing ... all my sites seem pretty good in Chimera

One thing i am pleased with ... <--online Designer clothing store ... doesn't work in Chimera, but DOES in Safari ... all be it a little slow, but hey, saves me having to use Netscape 2 Access it

(its Flash BTW)

i want to use Safari, and probably will do, when updates are availiable ;) :D

I'm using it, but theres only one problem...when i close a window and reopen it, it doesnt load in the top right corner of screen, it opens towards the bottom right, is there a way to 'save window size and location' ?