I was in fifth grade the first time I got to play around with a computer. That was back in '89 or 90. My class would visit the computer lab where we were taught how to program that turtle-thingie programming language. Hmm, I can't recall the name, but the point of the program was to allow one to draw something on the screen by entering codes like "right 90". Heh, I'm sure you old folks know what I'm talking about. Yeah, it was back in the old days when the GUI revolved around a green-font-on-black-background.
I owned my first mac many years later, when I was 16. It was a Performa 575, and the darn thing was priced at over 2000 bucks (I was working saturdays, from 7 to 7, making like 45 bucks). If I remember correctly, it was running system 7.1.
Then in '95/'96, that computer was replaced (at no cost to me, or my parents) by a Performa 6200. The Performa is still around, and it was only like a month ago that I actually threw away the box. Heh... what the hell was I thinking?
When it was time to replace the 6200, I um... got an HP. Yup, I went PC for a couple of months... I think it was because I'd be able to burn CDs. Visiting places like maccentral.com was no longer the same experience. I felt weird. Being online wasn't the same. I regretted having bought a PC.
Heh, fortunately, the monitor was faulty and I was able to return the PC and get my money back. At the time, the Apple Pro Keyboard and Mouse had recently been released... yet more reasons for me to get a Mac. And I did... Indigo iMac DV400. That was sometime around August-Octuber 2000.
Currently using an iBook 700, 14.1" Screen. I love my iBook, but I really don't see what's so special about its external looks (people stare at it so much). It's just... white.. rectangular. I prefer the look of the G3 Powerbooks. Mmm, those things are beautiful! And no, I won't trade you my iBook for one.... unless you can transfer my iBook's guts into your G3PB...