Originally posted by mr. K
what kind of bandwidth does this site have? does it run on t1 or dsl?
Originally posted by Gimpy00Wang
DSL? That's mildly amusing.macosx.com is hosted with DigitalCrowd (digitalcrowd.com). But wait, DigitalCrowd's founder is Scott William. Is that the same Scott that runs the board? (macosx.com's IP) is owned by UUNet (Alter.Net/WorldCom) so they either host with someone that uses UUNet or they have a pipe through UUNet themselves.
Oh wait...missed it...The IP is allocated to Arsalon Technologies (arsalon.net) which would be one of UUNet's clients. So, DigitalCrowd most likely has a dedicated server through them.
- Gimpy
damn youOriginally posted by bobw
Scott posted the amount it takes to keep the place going. Do some searching.