How Much RAM do YOU have?!

1.0GB in a 400 Yikes! machine.

Started with 256MB... then to 640MB... then to 1.0GB... noticed a difference every time I upgraded -- not so much in speed (well, 256 to 640 was a great improvement) but in usability when switching back and forth in applications and what-not.
I got 320 MB with my G4 GigEthernet 400 MHz, OCed to 500 MHz, and it runs OS X pretty fine in my opinion. In fact much better than my fathers iBook/500 with 384 MB.
Can't wait for the RAM prices to lower, though, would rock to have 2 GB in it :p
I've got 704 Mb and OSX runs great (450 Cube, Radeon) Window resizing is not jumpy at all and it follows pretty closely with the mouse unless I move it too fast, Minimizing is perfect, Classic is good, Folders open quickly
I have 768MB in my 350MHz slot-loading iMac. Had 128MB when I first installed OS X. Very soon after that, I went up to 320MB and noticed a big improvement in speed. Then when RAM prices were at an all-time low last year, I upped it to the current amount.
Window resizing is pretty good. The main speed-related annoyance right now is slow opening of very long menus.
i use 352Mb in my beige G3 and window resizing is amazingly fast


Beige G3 W/600Mgz G4 Upgrade
352Mb 15Gb HD ATI Radeon 8500 PCI

it's HAVE not OF

but anyway. i'm probably gonna stack up on more ram as sson as i have established a way for paying my college tuition.
1.5 gig on my Quicksilver
768 on my Cube
768 on my Celeron
512 on my B&W G3
512 on my Pentium 2
512 on my TiBook
256 on my AMD K6
64 on my iPaq 3660
0.5 on my Siemens SL45 Cell Phone
Originally posted by ulrik
1.5 gig on my Quicksilver
768 on my Cube
768 on my Celeron
512 on my B&W G3
512 on my Pentium 2
512 on my TiBook
256 on my AMD K6
64 on my iPaq 3660
0.5 on my Siemens SL45 Cell Phone

yah, and the list oes on and on and on... (*cough*showoff*cough*)
Quiet, you fool. :)

512 in my Dad's G4/400
256 in my LCD iMac
192 in my Blueberry iBook
128 in my iceBook Combo Drive/500
32 in my SuperMac C600
32 in my iPod
20 in my Quadra 605
16 in my Olympus D-230 camera
12 in my Yamaha digital piano
8 in my Visor Prism
4 in my Mac II
2 in my Canon printer
0.5 in my Samsung cell phone
in my Canon printer

i bow down before the master...*bows down* - (then takes gun and adress to bluefusion's hous wit robery in mind*
if the window is live-resized and ripped as a PDF all the time...yes.

A window in OS X needs around 2 to 5 megabytes, regardless if it is actually drawn or hidden behind something. And since you can't store all these infos in the VRAM, you have to store it in the RAM.
I wish Apple would offer a "classic" theme. OS X is great on my Power Mac G4 733 (640 MB Ram) but on my iBook w/ 320 MB Ram the eye candy just chokes it.
Originally posted by dricci
I wish Apple would offer a "classic" theme. OS X is great on my Power Mac G4 733 (640 MB Ram) but on my iBook w/ 320 MB Ram the eye candy just chokes it.

compress the windows! It really helps on such systems! Search versiontracker for tools which do this. Apple will officially support compressed windows in 10.2 I heard, the disabled the feature due to some incompatibility with older hardware, but the people who enabled it said it not only helps, but works without any flaws.
Well, my 700mhz iMac (LCD) has 512mb, but I am thankful for the VE in the G4! I feel bad. I froze my mac 2 hours after unpacking it lol! :o

ey, has anyone noticed how the Force Quit key shortcut never works? (Control, Command, ESC)
Originally posted by Hypernate
Well, my 700mhz iMac (LCD) has 512mb, but I am thankful for the VE in the G4! I feel bad. I froze my mac 2 hours after unpacking it lol! :o

ey, has anyone noticed how the Force Quit key shortcut never works? (Control, Command, ESC)

now it's option comand escape. and it works better and all the time.