How secure is your Mac?


I just finished reading, and following most of the advice, posted at to make my MacBook Pro more secure. Among the recommendations that I did NOT follow was using FileVault and encrypting virtual memory. My impression, on my old PowerBook, was that enabling these features makes disk access very slow. My question: How many of you uses File Vault and encrypted virtual memory?
I don't use encrypted virtual memory myself.

I'm sure that it will slow it down, however it will handle it a lot better then your old powerbook. Also, I'm sure that someone will correct me but, I wouldn't be too worried about encrypting it. As long as windows is the primary operating system on most computers, people will try to attack those before they will even attempt yours.
Isn't that an Apple document?

In any case, you should also think about how to recover a machine that's been stolen. A particularly clever application that addresses this is Undercover from Orbicule.
FileVault, just so it's not forgotten, is the father of many problems for users - and has been since its introduction. It plain doesn't do much good for the average user and brings a whole lot of problems.
Has anyone here integrated something more manual, such as GPG utilities, into your workflow?

I used GPGMail back in 10 beta and 10.1 days, but haven't since then. I realized a while ago that I just don't care that much who sees my email, and I communicate everything confidential to my clients in person or on the phone.